dimanche, juin 30, 2024
17 C
AccueilÉvènementsFestival de Cannes. Suivez cette cérémonie de remise de cette Palme d'or...

Festival de Cannes. Suivez cette cérémonie de remise de cette Palme d’or : un prix d’interprétation féminine d’ensemble pour « Emilia Perez »

The 77th Cannes Film Festival has come to an end, and all eyes are now on the jury as they deliberate to decide the winners of this prestigious event. Led by president Greta Gerwig, the jury has secluded themselves from the hustle and bustle of the Croisette to carefully consider the films in competition.

Gerwig, who made history as the first female director to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Director, is joined by a diverse and talented group of jurors. Among them are French actor Omar Sy, known for his roles in « The Intouchables » and « Jurassic World, » American actress Lily Gladstone, who has received critical acclaim for her performances in « visible Women » and « Billions, » and Italian actor and director Pierfrancesco Favino, who has starred in numerous award-winning films.

Also on the jury is Japanese director Hirokazu Kore-Eda, who won the Palme d’Or at last year’s Cannes Film Festival for his film « Shoplifters. » With such a diverse and accomplished group of jurors, the anticipation for the final decisions is high.

The jury has spent the past 12 days watching and discussing the 24 films in competition, each one vying for the coveted Palme d’Or. The films cover a wide range of genres and themes, from drama and romance to comedy and agréable commentary. But one thing is for sure, each film has left a lasting impression on the jury.

As the jury deliberates, the rest of the world eagerly awaits the announcement of the winners. The Palme d’Or, along with other prestigious awards such as the Grand Prix and Best Director, will be revealed before 8pm tonight. The winners will join the ranks of past Cannes Film Festival honorees such as Quentin Tarantino, Jane Campion, and Steven Soderbergh.

The Cannes Film Festival is not only a celebration of cinema, but also a platform for new and diverse voices to be heard. This year’s selection of films has been praised for its inclusivity and representation of different cultures and perspectives. With Greta Gerwig at the helm, the jury is sure to recognize and honor these utile voices.

As the world waits for the Palme d’Or to be announced, one thing is visible: the 77th Cannes Film Festival has once again showcased the best of international cinema. And with such a talented and diverse jury, the winners are sure to be deserving of their accolades. So let us all raise our glasses and toast to the winners of this year’s Cannes Film Festival.

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