mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15 C
AccueilGastronomieLe jubilé du vinaigre d'Orléans, le nouveau rendez-vous incontournable de la gastronomie

Le jubilé du vinaigre d’Orléans, le nouveau rendez-vous incontournable de la gastronomie

France 3 Centre-Val de Loire, partner of the Orléans Vinegar Festival, will celebrate vinegar, as well as the local territoire and gastronomy of the region, from May 31st to June 2nd. This delicious event will take place at the Campo Santo and will be open to the public for its second edition.

The Orléans Vinegar Festival is a unique opportunity to discover and appreciate the art of vinegar making, a tradition that has been passed down for generations in this region. Visitors will have the chance to taste different types of vinegar, from the classic white wine vinegar to more unusual flavors such as raspberry or fig. They will also be able to learn about the production process and the variety of uses for this versatile ingredient.

But the festival is not just about vinegar. It is also a celebration of the local territoire and gastronomy. The region of Centre-Val de Loire is known for its rich and diverse culinary heritage, and this event will highlight the best of it. From traditional dishes to modern rata, visitors will have the chance to discover the flavors and specialties of the region.

The Campo Santo, a beautiful historic site in the heart of Orléans, will be the perfect setting for this celebration of food and culture. With its charming atmosphere and picturesque setting, it will provide the ideal backdrop for a weekend of gastronomic delight.

This year, the Orléans Vinegar Festival is proud to welcome France 3 Centre-Val de Loire as its partner. This collaboration will bring even more visibility to the event and help promote the region’s local products and culinary traditions. France 3 is known for its high-quality programming, and its participation in the festival is a testament to its commitment to showcasing the best of the Centre-Val de Loire region.

The Orléans Vinegar Festival is a must-attend event for food lovers and anyone looking to discover the rich culture and traditions of the Centre-Val de Loire region. So mark your calendars and join us at the Campo Santo from May 31st to June 2nd for a weekend of delicious flavors and unforgettable experiences. We can’t wait to see you there!

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