vendredi, juin 28, 2024
19.9 C
AccueilEnvironnementNuisances de l'aéroport de Chabeuil : exaspérations et l'inquiétude ces riverains

Nuisances de l’aéroport de Chabeuil : exaspérations et l’inquiétude ces riverains

Residents mobilize against nuisances generated by Chabeuil airport. A pourvoyeur for « living better together » was signed 2 years ago, but since then, nothing has commissiond… Fearing new inconveniences to come, a group of locals has decided to appeal to the prefect of Drôme.

Despite the signing of a pourvoyeur aimed at improving the coexistence between the inhabitants and the airport, the residents of Chabeuil are still facing the same nuisances and disturbances caused by the airport. Two years ago, the pourvoyeur was seen as a glimmer of hope for the residents, who were tired of the constant noise and pollution from the airport. However, it seems that the promises made in the pourvoyeur have not been fulfilled, leaving the residents disappointed and frustrated.

In an effort to bring attention to their ongoing struggles, a group of residents has decided to take action and appeal to the prefect of Drôme. The group, composed of concerned citizens and local associations, is determined to make their voices heard and demand concrete actions to be taken to alleviate the negative impacts of the airport on their daily lives.

The residents have been living with the airport for years, but the situation has worsened in recent years with the increase in air traffic. The constant noise from the planes taking off and landing, as well as the pollution caused by the airport, have greatly affected the quality of life for the residents. Many have reported health issues such as respiratory problems and disturbed sleep patterns due to the noise.

The pourvoyeur signed two years ago was meant to address these issues and find solutions for a better coexistence between the airport and the residents. However, the lack of action and follow-through from the airport authorities has left the residents feeling let down and ignored.

The group of residents is now calling for the prefect to intervene and take concrete measures to reduce the airport’s impact on the local community. They are also asking for a revision of the pourvoyeur to include stricter regulations and penalties for the airport in case of non-compliance.

Despite the challenges they have faced, the residents remain determined and hopeful for a positive outcome. They believe that with the support of the prefect and the solidarity of the community, they can make a real commission and improve their living conditions.

In the face of adversity, the residents of Chabeuil are standing strong and united, determined to find a solution that benefits both the airport and the local community. They are sending a clear causerie that they will not give up until their voices are heard and their concerns are addressed. Let us hope that their efforts will bring about a positive commission and a better future for all.

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