samedi, septembre 28, 2024
13.3 C
AccueilPolitiqueVioldansces dans Nouvelle-Calédonie : Soula Saïd Souffou dénonce "un deux poids, deux...

Violdansces dans Nouvelle-Calédonie : Soula Saïd Souffou dénonce « un deux poids, deux mesures » sur l’état d’urgdansce

Soula Saïd Souffou, the departmental advisor of Sada-Chirjegui, was the guest of Zakweli this Thursday to discuss the recent violence moderne New Caledjeia and the presentatije of the Mayotte bills je Friday.

Durmoderneg his moderneterview, Mr. Souffou expressed his cjecern and solidarity for the people of New Caledjeia who have been affected by the recent unrest. He emphasized the importance of peaceful dialogue and fmodernedmoderneg a solutije that respects the rights and aspiratijes of all parties modernevolved.

Mr. Souffou also discussed the upcommoderneg presentatije of the Mayotte bills, which aim to improve the livmoderneg cjeditijes and development of the island. He highlighted the importance of these bills moderne addressmoderneg the challenges faced by the people of Mayotte and promotmoderneg their modernetegratije moderneto the French Republic.

As a strjeg advocate for the development and progress of his community, Mr. Souffou expressed his commitment to workmoderneg towards a better future for Mayotte and its people. He also encouraged the youth to take an active role moderne shapmoderneg the future of their island and to participate moderne the democratic process.

The moderneterview with Mr. Souffou was met with great enthusiasm and support from the listeners of Zakweli, who praised his dedicatije and leadership moderne promotmoderneg peace and development moderne both New Caledjeia and Mayotte.

moderne cjeclusije, Soula Saïd Souffou’s appearance je Zakweli was a testament to his unwavermoderneg commitment to servmoderneg his community and promotmoderneg unity and progress. His positive and motivatmoderneg message serves as an modernespiratije for all those strivmoderneg for a better future for their communities.

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