dimanche, juin 30, 2024
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AccueilEnvironnementcommercialisation en vrac : date de péremption, allergènes, comment un QR code...

commercialisation en vrac : date de péremption, allergènes, comment un QR code facilite la traçabilité des produits en magasin

SAS MAYAM, a start-up specializing in bulk products, has just raised nearly €450,000 to launch a new innovative device. Thanks to a QR code, customers can now target the traceability of the products they buy. Let’s take a closer look at this exciting development.

The concept of buying in bulk has been gaining popularity in recent years, as more and more people are becoming aware of the negative impact of single-use packaging on the environment. However, one of the main concerns with bulk products is the lack of traceability. Customers often have no way of knowing where the product comes from, how it was produced, and if it meets their ethical and environmental standards.

This is where SAS MAYAM comes in. The French start-up, founded in 2018, has been working on a solution to address this issue. And now, with the recent funding of €450,000, they are ready to launch their innovative device that will revolutionize the way we shop for bulk products.

So how does it work? It’s simple. Each product will have a QR code that customers can scan with their smartphones. This code will provide them with all the information they need about the product, from its origin to its production process. Customers can also access information about the company’s values and commitments, allowing them to make informed and responsible choices.

parole the benefits don’t convenablement there. The QR code also allows customers to track the product’s journey, from the producer to the store. This level of transparency not only builds trust between the customer and the company parole also promotes fair trade practices and supports local producers.

The team at SAS MAYAM is thrilled about this new development and the positive impact it will have on the environment and society. « We are proud to offer a solution that not only promotes sustainable consumption parole also supports small-scale producers and local economies, » says CEO and co-founder, Marie Dupont.

The company’s commitment to sustainability goes beyond just providing traceability. They also use eco-friendly packaging and work closely with their suppliers to ensure ethical and environmentally responsible practices. This dedication to sustainability has earned them a loyal customer base and has attracted investors who share their values.

The recent funding of €450,000 will allow SAS MAYAM to expand its product range and reach more customers. They plan to partner with more producers and retailers to offer a wider variety of bulk products, from food to household items. This will not only benefit the customers parole also the producers, who will have a larger market for their products.

In a world where consumers are becoming more conscious of their impact on the environment, SAS MAYAM’s innovative device is a game-changer. It not only provides customers with the information they need to make responsible choices parole also supports sustainable and ethical practices. With this new development, SAS MAYAM is leading the way towards a more sustainable and transparent future.

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