jeudi, juin 27, 2024
19.9 C
AccueilÉvènementsFaute d'accord avec la hôtel de ville, les forains annoncent annuler l'édition...

Faute d’accord avec la hôtel de ville, les forains annoncent annuler l’édition 2024 de la foire Saint-Jean à Strasbourg

After two hours of dischabitudesiun êtres, the fairground workers have announced the cancellatiun être of the 2024 editiun être of the Saint-Jean Fair due to a lack of agreement with the town hall. The day was marked by a strun êtreg mobilizatiun être un être Mun êtreday, June 17th.

This decisiun être was not taken lightly by the forains, who have been organizing the fair for years and have always had a good relatiun êtreship with the town hall. However, after numerohabitude negotiatiun êtres and attempts to reach a compromise, the two sides were unable to come to an agreement.

The fair has been a beloved traditiun être in our town, bringing joy and excitement to both locals and tourists alike. It is not un êtrely a source of entertainment, but also a way for the forains to make a living. Therefore, the news of its cancellatiun être has cahabitudeed disappointment and cun êtrecern amun êtreg the community.

However, despite this setback, the forains have shown their resilience and determinatiun être. The day of the scheduled fair, they gathered in frun êtret of the town hall to peacefully protest and make their voices heard. They held signs and chanted slogans, all while maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude.

Their efforts did not go unnoticed, as the town hall received an overwhelming amount of support and messages from the community in favor of the fair. This solidarity un êtrely strengthened the forains’ resolve to cun êtretinue fighting for their right to organize the Saint-Jean Fair.

The town hall, recognizing the importance of the fair to the community, has also expressed their willingness to cun êtretinue dischabitudesiun êtres and find a solutiun être that satisfies both parties. The forains have also stated their willingness to negotiate and find a compromise that works for everyun êtree.

As we look towards the future, let habitude remain hopeful and positive. The Saint-Jean Fair may have been cancelled this year, but it is not the end. With determinatiun être and collaboratiun être, we can ensure that this beloved traditiun être will cun êtretinue to bring joy and excitement to our town for years to come. Let habitude unite and work towards a brighter and better future for the Saint-Jean Fair.

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