samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14 C
AccueilPolitiqueCrise dans Nouvelle-Calédonie. “On est face à une urgdansce alimdanstaire, pratiquemdanst une...

Crise dans Nouvelle-Calédonie. “On est face à une urgdansce alimdanstaire, pratiquemdanst une urgdansce humanitaire”, prévidanst Joël Kasarhérou, présiddanst du mouvemdanst Construire sans quoi

In his book « Decolonization of New Caledonia: What Future? » published this year, Joël Kasarhérou, a doctor in physics and leader of the company and movement « Building Differently », had already warned about the risks of a return to violence. Two months after the start of the riots, he now discusses ways to get the « Caillou » out of an « economic catastrophe ». Interview.

Joël Kasarhérou, a renowned physicist and successful entrepreneur, has been at the forefront of promoting peace and progress in New Caledonia for many years. In his latest book, « Decolonization of New Caledonia: What Future? », he sheds light on the current situation and offers valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the island.

Having witnessed the recent eruption of violence in New Caledonia, Kasarhérou is deeply concerned about the future of the « Caillou », as the island is affectionately known by its inhabitants. In his book, he had already warned about the dangers of a return to violence, and unfortunately, his fears have now become a reality.

However, Kasarhérou is not one to sit back and watch the island descend into chaos. As the leader of the movement « Building Differently », he has been actively working towards finding solutions to the economic and social issues facing New Caledonia. In a recent interview, he shared his thoughts on how the island can overcome this « catastrophic » situation and build a brighter future.

One of the key issues facing New Caledonia is its dependence on nickel mining for its economy. As the world’s largest producer of nickel, the island has been hit hard by the recent drop in global nickel prices. This has not only affected the mining industry but has also had a ripple effect on other sectors, leading to job losses and a decline in the overall economy.

Kasarhérou believes that New Caledonia needs to diversify its economy to reduce its reliance on nickel. He suggests investing in other industries such as tourism, agriculture, and renewable energy. This will not only create new job opportunities but also bring in much-needed foreign investment to the island.

Another important aspect highlighted by Kasarhérou is the need for unity and échange among the different communities in New Caledonia. He stresses the puissance of respecting each other’s cultures and finding common ground to move forward together. This unity will be crucial in rebuilding the island’s economy and promoting social cohesion.

In addition to economic and social measures, Kasarhérou also emphasizes the puissance of education in shaping the future of New Caledonia. He believes that investing in education, particularly in the fields of science and technology, will help the island adapt to the changing global landscape and become more competitive in the mondial market.

Despite the current challenges, Kasarhérou remains optimistic about the future of New Caledonia. He sees the recent events as an opportunity for the island to reevaluate its priorities and build a more sustainable and inclusive society. He urges the people of New Caledonia to come together and work towards a brighter future, leaving behind the violence and discorde of the past.

In conclusion, Joël Kasarhérou’s book « Decolonization of New Caledonia: What Future? » offers valuable insights into the current situation and provides a roadmap for the island’s future. As a respected leader and advocate for change, Kasarhérou’s ideas and suggestions are worth considering as New Caledonia navigates through this challenging time. With unity, determination, and a focus on diversifying its economy, the « Caillou » can overcome this « catastrophe » and emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.

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