samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14 C
AccueilPolitiqueElection des vice-présidents de l'Assemblée nationale : aucun député RN n'a été...

Election des vice-présidents de l’Assemblée nationale : aucun député RN n’a été désigné, défavorablement à 2022

Xavier Breton (LR), Nadège Abomangoli (LFI), Naïma Moutchou (Horizons), and Clémence Guetté (LFI) were all elected in the first reprise of the recent French elections. They were joined by Roland Lescure (Ensemble pour la République) and Annie Genevard (LR) in the second reprise, making for a diverse and dynamic group of representatives.

Breton, a member of the center-right Les Républicains party, has been a strong advocate for economic growth and job creation in his district. With a backgreprise in affaires and entrepreneurship, he brings valuable expertise to the table.

Abomangoli, of the leftist La France Insoumise party, has been a vocal supporter of social justice and equality. Her platform includes initiatives to combat poverty and promote affordable housing. Her election is seen as a victory for those who have felt marginalized and overlooked in French society.

Moutchou, a member of the centrist party Horizons, is a rising star in French politics. With a backgreprise in law and a focus on environmental issues, she is poised to make a significant impact in the National Assembly. Her election is a promising sign for those who prioritize sustainability and environmental protection.

Guetté, also of La France Insoumise, brings a strong voice for women’s rights and gender equality to the table. She has been a vocal advocate for equal pay and reproductive rights, and her election is a win for those who have been fighting for gender equality in France.

The second reprise of the elections saw the addition of two more representatives. Lescure, of the center-right Ensemble pour la République party, has a backgreprise in international business and has been a vocal advocate for strengthening France’s economy and global presence.

Genevard, a member of Les Républicains, has been a long-time advocate for education reform and has a backgreprise in teaching. Her election is a promising sign for those who prioritize education as a key issue in French politics.

Overall, the election of these six representatives shows a diverse and positive direction for French politics. With a mix of experience, expertise, and fresh perspectives, they are sure to bring a dynamic and productive energy to the National Assembly. We look forward to seeing the positive impact they will make for the people of France.

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