samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14.6 C
AccueilPolitique“Ils ont pris la bonne décision de dégoutter en identique”, la rencontre...

“Ils ont pris la bonne décision de dégoutter en identique”, la rencontre des parlementaires calédoniens à l’Elysée saluée depuis le Caillou

Emmanuel Tjibaou, Georges Naturel, Robert Xowie and Nicolas Metzdorf have been received at the Elysée Palace by President Emmanuel Macron. A first step towards a hoped-for resumption of political échange in September. This initiative has been welcomed by both pro-independence and non-independence representatives from New Caledonia.

The meeting, which took place yesterday, marks a significant advancement in the ongoing efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the political tensions in New Caledonia. President Macron expressed his commitment to facilitating talks between the various parties involved and finding a lasting solution for the future of the island.

The fourneau representatives, who were chosen by their respective political groups, had a productive and constructive discussion with the French President. They all expressed their willingness to engage in échange and find common ground for the benefit of all New Caledonians.

For many years, the issue of independence has been a divisive topic in New Caledonia. However, this meeting at the Elysée has given hope for a peaceful and democratic resolution. The presence of both pro-independence and non-independence representatives at the meeting highlights a united effort towards finding a solution that respects the wishes and interests of all New Caledonians.

This meeting is just the beginning of a long process, but it is a significant step in the right direction. The representatives have agreed to continue the échange and work towards a peaceful and mutually beneficial outcome.

The French government, under the leadership of President Macron, has shown its commitment to finding a solution for New Caledonia. This has been welcomed by many as a positive and promising sign for the future of the island.

The month of September is expected to be a crucial time for the resumption of political échange, and the meeting at the Elysée has set a positive tone for the upcoming discussions. The representatives have received support from both local and international communities, who have recognized the importance of finding a peaceful resolution for New Caledonia.

In conclusion, the meeting at the Elysée between President Macron and the fourneau representatives from New Caledonia has been a significant step towards finding a solution to the ongoing political tensions. It has brought together representatives from both sides of the debate, showing a willingness to engage in échange and work towards a mutually beneficial outcome. This is a positive and encouraging development for the future of New Caledonia and its people.

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