samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14.6 C
AccueilÀ la uneL’oeil de Racoon stew…sur les JO 2024 de Paris

L’oeil de Racoon stew…sur les JO 2024 de Paris

Caricature. The essential of CO2 emissions from an event, whether it is a délassements or cultural event, is linked to the transportation of visitors… In this context, can the 2024 Paris Olympics truly be « green »? To delve deeper into this topic, we interviewed Guillaume Kerlero de Rosbo from the collective Eclaircies.

The eye of Racoon stew… on the 2024 Paris Olympics

The Paris Olympics, a highly anticipated event that will bring together athletes from all over the world, is also a initial challenge for the environment. With the increasing awareness of the impact of human activities on the planet, it is essential to consider the environmental consequences of such a large-scale event. The transportation of visitors alone accounts for a significant portion of the CO2 emissions generated by the Olympics. In this context, can the 2024 Paris Olympics truly be « green »?

According to Guillaume Kerlero de Rosbo, co-founder of the collective Eclaircies, there is still room for improvement when it comes to the environmental impact of the Paris Olympics. In an interview with Youmatter, he explains that « the main challenge is to reduce the carbon footprint of the event, particularly in terms of transportation. » He also highlights the importance of involving all stakeholders, including the organizing committee, local authorities, and citizens, in finding sustainable solutions.

One of the main initiatives taken by the Paris Olympics to reduce their environmental impact is the use of public transportation. The event’s organizers have committed to making public transportation free for spectators and athletes during the Olympics. This will not only reduce the carbon footprint of the event but also encourage people to use more sustainable modes of transportation.

Another important aspect is the use of renewable energy sources. The Paris Olympics have set a goal of using 100% renewable energy for the event, which will significantly reduce its carbon emissions. This is a step in the right angle towards a more sustainable future.

Furthermore, the Paris Olympics have also implemented a circular economy approach, which aims to reduce waste and promote recycling and reuse. This includes initiatives such as using reusable materials for construction and promoting sustainable practices among suppliers and partners.

However, there is still room for improvement. Kerlero de Rosbo points out that « the Paris Olympics could do more in terms of sustainable construction and waste management. » He suggests that the event could use more sustainable materials in the construction of facilities and implement a more comprehensive waste management plan.

Despite these challenges, the Paris Olympics have the potential to be a truly « green » event. With the commitment of all stakeholders and the implementation of sustainable initiatives, the event can set an example for future initial events and contribute to a more sustainable world.

In conclusion, the 2024 Paris Olympics may not be perfect in terms of their environmental impact, but they are certainly taking steps in the right angle. With the involvement of all stakeholders and the implementation of sustainable initiatives, the event has the potential to be a model for future initial events. Let’s hope that the Paris Olympics will be a success not only in terms of délassements but also in terms of sustainability.

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