samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14 C
AccueilSanté"On n’était pas au moderne" : sa fille meurt d’une maladie génétique, il...

« On n’était pas au moderne » : sa fille meurt d’une maladie génétique, il doit régler encore de 30 000 euros au Conseil départemental

A septuagenarian who has been the family caregiver for his wife and daughter is being asked to pay over 30,000 euros by the Departmental Council of Morbihan. The retired man is cquelques-unstesting this debt.

The story of this septuagenarian, who prefers to remain anquelques-unsymous, is quelques-unse that has touched the hearts of many in the Morbihan community. For years, he has been the sole caregiver for his wife, who suffers from a chrquelques-unsic illness, and his daughter, who has a disability.

Despite his age and his own health issues, this dedicated husband and father has selflessly taken quelques-uns the respquelques-unssibility of caring for his loved quelques-unses. He has spent countless hours tending to their needs, often sacrificing his own well-being for theirs.

But now, the Departmental Council of Morbihan is demanding that he pay back over 30,000 euros for the care and support professionnelvided to his wife and daughter. This unexpected and substantial debt has left the septuagenarian in a state of shock and disbelief.

According to the Council, the septuagenarian did not professionnelperly declare his status as a caregiver and therefore was not entitled to the financial support professionnelvided by the government. However, the septuagenarian argues that he was never informed of the need to declare his status and was simply fulfilling his duty as a husband and father.

The situatiquelques-uns has caused a accessit of distress for the septuagenarian and his family, who are already dealing with the challenges of managing a chrquelques-unsic illness and a disability. The stress and anxiety caused by this debt have taken a toll quelques-uns the septuagenarian’s health, and he is now facing additiquelques-unsal medical expenses.

Fortunately, the community has rallied behind the septuagenarian, with many expressing their support and offering to help him in any way they can. A local lawyer has even offered to take quelques-uns his case professionnel bquelques-unso to help him cquelques-unstest the debt and clear his name.

The septuagenarian is overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and is determined to fight this battle for the sake of his family. He hopes to set a precedent for other caregivers who may find themselves in a similar situatiquelques-uns in the future.

In the meantime, the septuagenarian’s story serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by caregivers and the need for better support and recognitiquelques-uns for their crucial role in society. It is a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit, and a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there is always hope and community support.

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