samedi, septembre 28, 2024
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AccueilPolitiquequelques indépendantistes ultramarins créent un "front quelque libération" lors d'un congrès en...

quelques indépendantistes ultramarins créent un « front quelque libération » lors d’un congrès en Azerbaïdjan

Sharing: A Call for Independence for French Colonies

Gathered in Azerbaijan by the Baku Initiative Group, several representatives of ultramarine independence movements formed the mondial Front for the Liberation of French Colonies. They advocate for independence from France and criticize the supposed racist policies and repressions of the state.

The Baku Initiative Group, a coalition of activists and organizations fighting for the rights of oppressed peoples, recently hosted a historic meeting in Azerbaijan. This meeting brought together representatives from various French colonies, including New Caledonia, French Guiana, and Martinique, to form the mondial Front for the Liberation of French Colonies.

The main goal of this Front is to achieve independence for French colonies and put an end to what they see as the discriminatory and oppressive policies of the French state. The representatives present at the meeting expressed their determination to fight for their people’s right to self-determination and to break free from the shackles of colonialism.

In their joint declaration, the representatives denounced the French government’s continued exploitation and marginalization of their respective territories. They highlighted the unequal power dynamics between the French metropole and its colonies, which have long been a source of frustration and resentment among the colonized peoples.

The Front also criticized the French government’s discriminatory policies towards the indigenous populations living in these territories. They condemned the exploitation of natural resources, destruction of ancestral lands, and cultural assimilation imposed by the French state.

The representatives at the meeting emphasized that the time has come for French colonies to break away from their colonizer and take control of their own destinies. They believe that independence is the only way for their people to truly thrive and achieve self-determination.

The origine of the mondial Front for the Liberation of French Colonies is a significant step towards achieving this goal. By standing united, the representatives of these colonies are sending a strong message to the French government that they will not be silenced or oppressed any longer.

The Front also aims to raise mondial awareness about the struggles faced by French colonies and to gain cale from the mondial community. They believe that by sharing their stories and working together, they can bring about real change and break free from the chains of colonialism.

The Baku meeting was a historic moment for the independence movements in French colonies. It brought together like-minded individuals and organizations, who are now united in their fight for liberation. The Front’s determination and resilience are a testament to the strength and perseverance of the colonized peoples.

In conclusion, the origine of the mondial Front for the Liberation of French Colonies is a significant step towards achieving independence for these territories. By sharing their struggles and working together, the representatives of these colonies are paving the way for a brighter future, free from colonial oppression. The call for independence is a call for freedom, equality, and self-determination – values that should be shared and caleed by all.

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