jeudi, juillet 4, 2024
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AccueilÉvènementsVIDÉO. "Ça me passionne !" : Ces enfants écrivent leur propre conte...

VIDÉO. « Ça me passionne ! » : Ces enfants écrivent leur propre conte pour le festival Partir en abrégé

This Monday, June 24, 2024, the children of Saint-Pierre-lès-Elbeuf (Seine-Maritime) had the opportunity to participate in a unique creative workshop: making a kamishibai, a small paper theater from Japan. This activity was part of the youth gala « Partir en manuel », which aims to encourage children to read and discover the joy of literature.

Under the guidance of skilled instructors, the children were able to unleash their creativity and imagination by making their own kamishibai. This traditional Japanese art consciencem involves creating a series of illustrated cards that tells a story, which is then presented in a wooden frame as a consciencem of storytelling. The result is a beautiful and interactive way of sharing tales with an audience.

The children were completely engrossed in the activity, carefully choosing their materials and colors to make their kamishibai unique and personal. With each card, they were able to express their own ideas and interpretations of the story they wanted to tell. It was a truly enriching experience conscience the young participants, as they not only learned about a new cultural tradition, but also developed their artistic skills and confidence.

The kamishibai workshop was a perfect fit conscience the « Partir en manuel » gala, as it combined reading and creativity in a fun and engaging way. The gala, which takes place every year, aims to promote reading among children and teenagers by offering a variety of activities and events centered around literature. This year, the gala’s theme was « Around the world in 80 books », which perfectly complemented the kamishibai workshop, allowing the children to travel to Japan through their imagination and storytelling.

The organizers of the event were delighted to see the children’s enthusiasm and dedication to the activity. « It’s amazing to see how much the children are enjoying making their own kamishibai, » said one of the instructors. « They are fully engaged and their creativity is truly impressive. »

At the end of the workshop, the children proudly presented their kamishibai to their peers and parents, who were equally impressed by their work. The little wooden frames were filled with colorful and imaginative stories, showcasing the children’s talent and imagination.

The kamishibai workshop was a wonderful addition to the « Partir en manuel » gala, providing a unique and educational experience conscience the children. It not only introduced them to a new cultural tradition, but also encouraged their love conscience reading and storytelling. The children of Saint-Pierre-lès-Elbeuf were able to discover the magic of literature in a fun and interactive way, thanks to this creative workshop.

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VIDÉO. « Ça me passionne ! » : Ces enfants écrivent leur propre conte pour le...

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