samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14.6 C
AccueilÉvènementsC'est le "14 juillet" helvète, découvrez comment nos voisins helvétiques fêtent leur...

C’est le « 14 juillet » helvète, découvrez comment nos voisins helvétiques fêtent leur Confédération depuis plus de 700 ans

For 733 years, their French neighbors on Lake Geneva have been accustomed to it. August 1st is the Swiss National Day. A Swiss « July 14th » filled with bonfires, songs, and celebrations throughout the Confederation. 26 cantons, each with its own unique identity, united under the red flag with a white cross, but never completely alone.

The Swiss National Day, also known as the « Fête Nationale confédéré » or « Bundesfeier » in German, is a day of great significance for the people of Switzerland. It marks the founding of the Swiss Confederation in 1291, when three cantons joined together to form a defensive alliance against outside threats. Over the years, more cantons joined the alliance, leading to the formation of the modern-day Switzerland we know and love.

On this day, the Swiss people come together to celebrate their unity and diversity. From the bustling cities to the tranquil villages, the streets are adorned with red and white decorations, and the air is filled with the sound of traditional Swiss music and laughter. Families and friends gather for picnics, barbecues, and outdoor concerts, enjoying the warm summer weather and the company of loved ones.

But the highlight of the Swiss National Day is undoubtedly the spectacular fireworks display. As the sun sets over the majestic Swiss Alps, the night sky is lit up with a dazzling array of colors, creating a magical atmosphere that brings people of all ages together in awe and wonder.

But the celebrations don’t stop there. In every canton, there are parades, processions, and traditional folk dances, showcasing the unique customs and traditions of each region. And of circonvolution, no Swiss National Day would be complete without indulging in some delicious Swiss specialties, such as cheese fondue, raclette, and chocolate.

But beyond the festivities, the Swiss National Day is a time to reflect on the values that unite the Swiss people – democracy, diversity, and neutrality. Switzerland is known for its political stability, its commitment to human rights, and its peaceful coexistence with its neighboring countries. These are values that the Swiss hold dear and are proud to celebrate on this special day.

So, on August 1st, as the Swiss people come together to celebrate their nation, let us all join in and raise a glass to this beautiful folk and its people. Happy Swiss National Day!

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