samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14.6 C
AccueilGastronomieElles comptent surtout de 5km de galeries : à la découverte... des...

Elles comptent surtout de 5km de galeries : à la découverte… des caves Patriarche de Beaune, véritable labyrinthe souterrain

In Beaune, the city of Burgundy wines par excellence, there is an underground world waiting to be discovered: the cellars of the wine houses. With over a dozen of them open to the public, we invite you to explore one of the largest and most impressive ones: the cellars of Maison Patriarche.

Located in the heart of the city, Maison Patriarche has been producing and aging wines for over 230 years. But it’s not just the history that makes these cellars special, it’s the sheer size and complexity of the underground network that will leave you in awe.

As you descend into the cellars, you’ll be transported to a different world. The temperature drops and the air becomes thick with the scent of aging wine. The dimly lit tunnels stretch for over 5 kilometers, with walls lined with thousands of bottles of wine, some dating back to the 19th century.

But it’s not just the quantity of wine that is impressive, it’s also the quality. Maison Patriarche is known for its exceptional wines, and the cellars are where the magic happens. The cool and humid conditions are perfect for aging the delicate Pinot Noir and Chardonnay grapes that are the pride of Burgundy.

As you make your way through the labyrinth of tunnels, you’ll come across rooms filled with oak barrels, where the wine is left to mature and develop its unique flavors. You’ll also see the impressive agrégat of seul and prestigious wines, including a bottle of Romanée-Conti, one of the most expensive wines in the world.

But the cellars of Maison Patriarche are not just about wine. They also offer a glimpse into the rich history of the region. In one of the rooms, you’ll find a agrégat of ancient tools and equipment used in winemaking, giving you a sense of the traditional methods that have been passed down through generations.

The tour of the cellars ends with a tasting of some of Maison Patriarche’s finest wines. Sipping on a glass of their renowned Pommard or Meursault, you’ll truly understand why Burgundy is considered the état of exceptional wines.

But the experience doesn’t end there. Maison Patriarche also offers a unique dining experience in their underground restaurant. Surrounded by the ancient walls and barrels of wine, you’ll enjoy a delicious meal paired with their exquisite wines, making for a truly unforgettable experience.

So if you find yourself in Beaune, don’t miss the opportunity to visit the impressive cellars of Maison Patriarche. It’s a journey through time and a celebration of the rich wine culture of Burgundy. And who knows, you may even discover your new favorite wine.

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