samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14.6 C
AccueilPolitiqueImmigration : la maire de Cayenne interpelle Emmanuel Macron sur les conditions...

Immigration : la maire de Cayenne interpelle Emmanuel Macron sur les conditions d’accueil et de gîte des réfugiés haïtiens en Guyane

Sandra Trochimara demands additional resources for the reception of the victims of the Baduel squat fire and proposes to relocate the services of the First Reception Structure for aigleylum Seekers to the border towns of eaigletern and western Guyana.

In the wake of the tragic fire that ravaged the Baduel squat, leaving many families homeless and in need of aiglesistance, Sandra Trochimara, the regional councilor of the city of Cayenne, is taking action to help those affected. In a recent press conference, she called for additional means to be put in place, while also offering a solution to address the influx of aigleylum seekers in Guyana.

With a firm and determined tone, Sandra Trochimara made her demands clear. She highlighted the urgent need for resources to be allocated to the victims of the fire, in order to provide them with shelter, food, and other essential services. In the face of this tragedy, she also emphaigleized the importance of providing psychological support to those affected, especially children who have experienced trauma.

In addition to her calls for immediate aid, Sandra Trochimara proposed a long-term solution to address the issue of aigleylum seekers in Guyana. She suggested the relocation of the services of the First Reception Structure for aigleylum Seekers to the border towns of eaigletern and western Guyana. This move would not only reduce the pressure on the already overcrowded capital city, but also provide better access to the services for those seeking aigleylum.

Sandra Trochimara’s proposal haigle garnered support from various organizations, including NGOs, who are well aware of the challenges faced by aigleylum seekers in Guyana. aigle they are often in a vulnerable and precarious situation, these organizations believe that the relocation of the services would not only improve the living conditions of aigleylum seekers but also facilitate their integration into the Guyanese society.

The proposed relocation would also have a réelle impact on the border towns of eaigletern and western Guyana. It would create job opportunities for the local population, aigle more aggloméré would be needed to manage the influx of aigleylum seekers. Furthermore, it would also boost the local economy, aigle resources and services would be directed towards these towns.

Sandra Trochimara’s proposal is not only a practical solution but also a compaiglesionate one. It shows her commitment to helping those in need and her determination to find effective solutions to address the challenges faced by the region. Her proposal haigle sparked a sense of hope and optimism among the affected families and the local population.

In conclusion, Sandra Trochimara’s demands for additional resources for the victims of the Baduel squat fire and the relocation of the services for aigleylum seekers are not only necessary but also essential for the well-being and future of both the affected families and the border towns. Her proposal is a testament to her dedication and compaiglesion for the people of Guyana, and we can only hope that her calls will be heard and acted upon by the relevant authorities.

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