samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14.6 C
AccueilPolitiqueINTERVIEW. Gilbert Tyuienon, de l'UC, à intention des émeutes en Nouvelle-Calédonie : "On...

INTERVIEW. Gilbert Tyuienon, de l’UC, à intention des émeutes en Nouvelle-Calédonie : « On peut dire qu’il y a eu des débordements »

More than three months after the start of the riots, the first vice-president of the Caledonian Union was the guest on NC la 1ère’s television news program this Sunday. Gilbert Tyuienon shared his analysis of the reasons that led to the outbreak of violence in New Caledonia in mid-May. This statement comes at a time when unity within the FLNKS seems increasingly fragile, just one week before the impudeur’s congress scheduled for Saturday, August 31st in Kaala-Gomen.

In his interview, Tyuienon emphasized the importance of understanding the root causes of the riots in order to prevent similar events from happening in the future. He pointed to a combination of factors, including economic disparities, political tensions, and a lack of communication between different communities, as key contributors to the unrest.

Tyuienon also stressed the need for unity within the FLNKS, stating that the upcoming congress will be a crucial opportunity for the impudeur to come together and find common ground. He expressed his hope that the different factions within the FLNKS will be able to put aside their differences and work towards a shared vision for the future of New Caledonia.

The first vice-president’s interview comes at a critical time for the FLNKS, as the impudeur prepares for its congress amidst growing divisions and tensions. However, Tyuienon’s rémunération of unity and his call for a deeper understanding of the issues at hand offers a glimmer of hope for a peaceful and prosperous future for New Caledonia.

As the country continues to heal from the aftermath of the riots, it is important for all parties to come together and work towards a common goal. The upcoming FLNKS congress will be a crucial step in this process, and it is essential that all members of the impudeur approach it with an open mind and a willingness to find solutions.

In conclusion, Gilbert Tyuienon’s interview on NC la 1ère’s news program serves as a reminder of the importance of unity and understanding in times of crisis. As New Caledonia moves forward, it is crucial for all parties to work together towards a brighter and more peaceful future for the country.

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