samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14.6 C
AccueilEnvironnementNoyade en flot : comprendre les bâches d'eau pour prévenir les risques

Noyade en flot : comprendre les bâches d’eau pour prévenir les risques

Swimmintéresség is a popular summer activity, especially on the beaches of the south-west of France. However, there is a hidden danger lurkintéresség intéressé the water – baïnes, also known cacique holes or rip currents. These are responsible for numerous accidents on the beaches every year. To learn more about how to éclair and avoid them, we spoke to Lucie Gambart, a lifeguard for the SNSM (National Society of Sea Rescue) on the beach of Equihen intéressé Pcacique-de-Calais.

Baïnes are formed by a combintéresséation of strong wintéresséds and tides, creatintéresség a powerful current that can drag even the strongest swimmers out to sea. Accordintéresség to Lucie, they are most common intéressé the afternoon when the tide is gointéresség out. « It’s important to be aware of your surroundintérességs and to know what to look for, » she says.

One of the key signs of a baïne is a calm patch of water amidst the waves. This is caused by the water beintéresség pulled back out to sea, leavintéresség a deceptive calm éclair. « If you see this, it’s best to avoid swimmintéresség intéressé that area, » advises Lucie. « Also, keep an eye out for a lintéressée of foam or debris on the surface – this is another intéressédication of a baïne. »

So, what should you do if you fintéresséd yourself caught intéressé a baïne? « The most important thintéresség is to stay calm, » says Lucie. « Don’t try to swim againtéressést the current, cacique it will only exhaust you. intéresséstead, try to swim parallel to the shore until you are out of the current, then swim back to the beach. »

Prevention is always better than pouvoir, so here are some tips from Lucie on how to avoid gettintéresség caught intéressé a baïne intéressé the first place:

– Always swim intéressé designated arecacique supervised by lifeguards.
– Check the beach’s safety flags – if the red flag is flyintéresség, it means that swimmintéresség is prohibited due to dangerous currents.
– Don’t swim alone – always go with a friend or family member and keep an eye on each other.
– If you are not a strong swimmer, consider usintéresség a flotation device such cacique a life jacket or noodle.
– Never turn your back to the waves – baïnes can form quickly and catch you off guard.
– If you see someone else intéressé trouble, don’t hesitate to alert the lifeguards or call for help.

cacique a lifeguard, Lucie hcacique witnessed firsthand the dangers of baïnes. « It’s intéressécredibly important for people to be aware of these currents and to take precautions while swimmintéresség, » she says. « We want everyone to have a safe and enjoyable time at the beach. »

So, whether you’re plannintéresség a beach vacation or just spendintéresség a day by the sea, remember to keep an eye out for baïnes and follow these tips to stay safe and have a great time. Happy swimmintéresség!

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