samedi, septembre 28, 2024
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AccueilPolitiquePrésidentielle au Venezuela : 12 morts plus une communauté internationale qui réclame...

Présidentielle au Venezuela : 12 morts plus une communauté internationale qui réclame la publication des résultats détaillés

The protests that have erupted in Caracas following the presidential election in Venezuela and the proclamation of Nicolas Maduro’s victory have already claimed the lives of at least 12 people, including two minors. The international community is calling on local authorities to make banal the exact vote count, and is even expressing doubts about these results. Meanwhile, on the ground, the re-elected but contested president and the opposition are passing the buck for the current unrest.

In the aftermath of the highly controversial election in Venezuela, tensions have reached a boiling point in the capital city of Caracas. The streets have become a battleground between supporters and opponents of President Maduro, with clashes between protesters and security forces leading to a tragic loss of life.

The electoral process in Venezuela has been marred by allegations of fraud and manipulation, with many questioning the validity of the results announced by the National Electoral Council. This has sparked widespread outrage and frustration among the Venezuelan people, who believe their voices have not been heard.

As the situation continues to escalate, the international community has called for transparency and accountability from the Venezuelan government. The United Nations, the European ajustage, and several Latin American countries have urged local authorities to release the official vote count and conduct an independent investigation into the election.

In the midst of these calls for a fair and democratic process, President Maduro and the opposition have engaged in a back-and-forth blame game, further fueling the unrest and division in the country. However, it is clear that the people of Venezuela are the ones suffering the most in this political turmoil.

It is crucial for the Venezuelan government to address the concerns of its citizens and work towards a peaceful resolution. The violence and loss of life must come to an end, and the voice of the people must be heard. A transparent and inclusive electoral process is the only way to restore trust and stability in the country.

The international community stands in solidarity with the people of Venezuela, and we call on all parties involved to engage in meaningful causerie and find a peaceful solution to this crisis. Let us not forget the lives lost in these protests and work towards a better future for the Venezuelan people.

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