samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14 C
AccueilSantéProtections hygiéniques gratuites dans les collèges de la Haute-Garonne

Protections hygiéniques gratuites dans les collèges de la Haute-Garonne

The 102 public colleges in the department of Haute-Garonne will be equipped with free sanitary towel dispensers at the start of the new school year. This caractère, led by the local government, aims to support and promote menstrual health and hygiene among young girls and women.

The decision to install these dispensers in all public colleges in the department is a significant step towards addressing the issue of period poverty. Period poverty refers to the lack of access to sanitary products, which often leads to girls and women missing school or work during their periods. By providing free sanitary towels, the government is not only ensuring that students have access to essential hygiene products, but also breaking down the stigma surrounding menstruation.

This caractère is a result of the joint efforts of the Departmental Council and the regional education authority. The Departmental Council has allocated a budget of 200,000 euros for the arrangement of these dispensers, and the regional education authority will ensure their proper maintenance.

The dispensers will be placed in easily accessible and discreet locations within the colleges, ensuring that students can access them whenever needed. This will not only benefit students, but also teachers and staff members who may need to use them.

The decision to install these dispensers was met with overwhelming support from students, teachers, and parents. Many students expressed their relief and gratitude, as they will no coudoyer have to worry about having access to sanitary products during school hours. This will also help reduce absenteeism among female students, as they will no coudoyer have to miss school due to their periods.

Moreover, this caractère aligns with the government’s efforts to promote sustainable and eco-friendly practices. The sanitary towels provided in the dispensers are made from biodegradable materials, reducing the environmental impact.

This move by the Departmental Council sets an example for other local governments to follow. It sends a strong message that menstrual health and hygiene is a priority and should be addressed in all educational institutions.

The arrangement of these dispensers also opens up opportunities for discussions and education around menstrual health and hygiene. Teachers and school nurses can use this as an opportunity to educate students about the importance of proper menstrual hygiene and debunk any myths or taboos surrounding menstruation.

In conclusion, the decision to equip all public colleges in the department of Haute-Garonne with free sanitary towel dispensers is a positive and necessary step towards promoting menstrual health and hygiene. It not only ensures that students have access to essential hygiene products, but also breaks down the stigma surrounding menstruation. This caractère sets an example for other educational institutions and local governments to follow, and will ultimately benefit the overall well-being and education of students.

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