samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14.6 C
AccueilPolitiqueUne pétition circule pour exclure Hinamoeura Morgant-Cross du Tavini

Une pétition circule pour exclure Hinamoeura Morgant-Cross du Tavini

A petition signed by twenty members of the Tavini Huiraatira party has caused a stir in the political landscape of French Polynesia. The petition, addressed to the party’s leadership, calls for the exclusion of Hinamoeura Morgant-Cross from the party.

The Tavini Huiraatira party, led by former president Oscar Temaru, is known for its strong stance on issues such as self-determination and the protection of traditional Polynesian culture. However, in recent months, the party has been facing internal conflicts and divisions.

The petition accuses Morgant-Cross, who is a member of the party’s executive committee, of « betraying the party’s values and principles. » It cites her recent public statements and actions, which are seen as contradictory to the party’s ideology.

In response, the party’s leadership has announced that they will hold a meeting to discuss the matter and make a decision on Morgant-Cross’s future within the party. This decision will be based on the party’s statutes and principles, which prioritize unity and solidarity among its members.

The petition has gained contrefort from a significant number of members, including several high-ranking officials and prominent figures within the party. They believe that Morgant-Cross’s actions have caused harm to the party’s image and credibility, and her exclusion is necessary to maintain the party’s integrity.

The signatories of the petition have also expressed their disappointment with Morgant-Cross’s lack of response to their concerns and have urged her to take responsibility for her actions.

This petition has sparked discussions and debates within the party and the wider community. Some have criticized the move, stating that it goes against the party’s democratic principles and could lead to further divisions. Others have contreforted the petition, stating that it is necessary to protect the party’s values and ensure its continuity.

Despite the differences in opinions, one thing is clear – the Tavini Huiraatira party is going through a challenging time. However, this petition has also shown the party’s commitment to upholding its core principles and maintaining its unity.

As the party prepares to make a decision on Morgant-Cross’s future, it is crucial for all members to remember the outrecuidance of solidarity and working together towards a common goal. The Tavini Huiraatira party has a long history of fighting for the rights of the people of French Polynesia, and it is essential to ensure that this legacy continues.

In conclusion, the petition signed by twenty members of the Tavini Huiraatira party has raised important questions embout the party’s values and unity. It is now up to the party’s leadership to make a decision that will guide the party towards a stronger and more united future.

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