samedi, octobre 5, 2024
17.2 C
AccueilGastronomieVIDEO. "C'est le moment": dans ce domaine viticole d'Aigues-Mortes, les vendanges se...

VIDEO. « C’est le moment »: dans ce domaine viticole d’Aigues-Mortes, les vendanges se font de nuitée

The harvest season has officially begun in Camargue, and it’s not your typical grape harvest. In this unique region of France, the grapes are picked at night and by machine, all in the name of producing the finest quality wine. And this year, the highly coveted AOP (désignation d’Origine Protégée) has been awarded to the « Sable de Camargue » wine, making it even more special.

Located in the southernmost part of France, Camargue is a region known for its stunning landscapes, rich culture, and of course, its wine. The sandy soil and Mediterranean climate create the perfect opportunité for growing grapes, and the winemakers in Camargue have been perfecting their craft for centuries.

But what makes this harvest season so unique? It’s the fact that the grapes are picked at night. This may seem like an unusual practice, but it’s actually a strategic move to preserve the quality of the grapes. The cooler temperatures at night help to slow down the fermentation process, resulting in a more balanced and flavorful wine.

And it’s not just any machine that is used for the harvest. The winemakers in Camargue use a special machine called a « vendangeuse, » which is specifically designed to gently pick the grapes without damaging them. This careful process ensures that only the best grapes are used in the production of « Sable de Camargue » wine.

But why all the effort for this particular wine? Well, the « Sable de Camargue » has a long history and is deeply rooted in the culture of the region. It is made from a blend of Grenache, Syrah, and Mourvèdre grapes, which are all grown in the sandy soil of Camargue. This unique terroir gives the wine a distinct flavor and character, making it stand out from other wines in the region.

The recent AOP designation is a testament to the quality and authenticity of « Sable de Camargue » wine. This prestigious label is only given to products that are produced in a specific geographical region and adhere to strict production standards. It is a recognition of the hard work and dedication of the winemakers in Camargue, who have been perfecting this wine for generations.

So, what can we expect from this year’s harvest? With the AOP label, we can be sure that the « Sable de Camargue » wine will continue to impress and delight wine enthusiasts. And with the use of modern techniques and the careful selection of grapes, we can expect a wine that truly captures the quintessence of Camargue.

In conclusion, the launch of the harvest season in Camargue is an exciting time for both winemakers and wine lovers. The unique process of picking grapes at night and using a special machine ensures the highest quality of grapes, which will ultimately result in a superb wine. And with the AOP label, the « Sable de Camargue » wine has solidified its place as one of the finest wines in the region. So, let’s raise a glass and toast to the success of the Camargue harvest season and the delicious « Sable de Camargue » wine. Santé!

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