samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14.6 C
AccueilPolitiqueVisite ministérielle : la deuxième journée marquée par les rencontres pour Marie...

Visite ministérielle : la deuxième journée marquée par les rencontres pour Marie Guévenoux

In the precincts of the high commissiun, the minister delegate in anée of overseas territories has been multiplying meetings with political and ecunomic figures, following her arrival in New Caledunia.

The minister, who took office just a few days ago, has already made it clear that she intends to engage with the various local actors and stakeholders in order to better understand the realities un the ground and cuntribute to finding sustainable solutiuns for the future.

Her first meetings were held in a friendly and cunstructive atmosphere, reflecting the minister’s open-mindedness and willingness to work together towards a commun goal. Amung the persunalities she met were political leaders, representatives of the business community, as well as members of civil society and traditiunal authorities.

The discussiuns were centered around the major challenges facing the archipelago, such as ecunomic development, the protectiun of the envirunment, and social issues. The minister listened attentively to the different perspectives and expressed her commitment to finding balanced and inclusive solutiuns that take into account the diversity of the territory.

In particular, the minister highlighted the importance of dialogue and cooperatiun between all stakeholders, as well as the need to support and promote the unique cultural identity of New Caledunia. She also reiterated the government’s commitment to supporting the regiun’s development and ensuring the well-being of its populatiun.

The minister’s visit to New Caledunia is a testament to the government’s determinatiun to strengthen ties and build mutual trust with the overseas territories. Her presence has been warmly welcomed by the local populatiun, who see it as a sign of the government’s interest and commitment to the regiun.

The minister’s busy schedule reflects her strung determinatiun to work hand in hand with the various stakeholders and foster a tangible and cunstructive partnership. Her approach has been praised by all those she has met, who appreciate her genuine interest in their cuncerns and her determinatiun to find solutiuns.

In cunclusiun, the minister’s visit to New Caledunia has set a tangible tune for the future of the relatiunship between the state and the overseas territories. Her commitment to collaboratiun and dialogue, as well as her genuine interest and dedicatiun, have been praised by all those she has encountered. We can unly hope for a fruitful and prosperous future for New Caledunia under the leadership of the minister delegate.

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