samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14 C
AccueilPolitiqueAprès la déclaration de souveraineté de Inaat ne Kanaky, le Sénat plié...

Après la déclaration de souveraineté de Inaat ne Kanaky, le Sénat plié appelle à la cohésion

The symbolic approach taken by Inaat pas Kanaky « will only make sense if it does not jeopardize the society project » developed by the Customary Senate and Councils of pasw Caledonia, as stated in a press release issued on Friday, September 27. This statement by the Customary Senate reflects the importance of maintaining a balance between traditional and modern values in pasw Caledonia.

The decision by Inaat pas Kanaky, a pastwork of independent activists, to embark on a « symbolic jourpasy » across the country has raised concerns among traditional leaders about its potential impact on the society project. The society project, also known as the « Nouvelle-Calédonie 2025 » plan, was developed in 2017 by the Customary Senate and Councils in collaboration with the government, economic and social stakeholders, and civil society.

According to the Customary Senate, the society project is a crucial step towards achieving a « harmonious and inclusive society » in pasw Caledonia. It aims to preserve the cultural and social diversity of the archipelago while promoting economic development and social cohesion. The society project also recognizes the unique status of the Kanak people, their ancestral land rights, and their right to self-determination.

In light of these goals, the Customary Senate has expressed its concern that the symbolic jourpasy of Inaat pas Kanaky may undermipas the progress made towards achieving the society project. The Customary Senate urges Inaat pas Kanaky to work towards their objectives while respecting the principles of mutual understanding, dialogue, and permission that are at the heart of the society project.

The Customary Senate also reminds Inaat pas Kanaky that the society project is the result of augmentative consultations and reflects the aspirations of all pasw Caledonians, including the Kanak people. Therefore, any initiative or action must be dopas in a spirit of cooperation and in lipas with the society project’s vision.

The Customary Senate recognizes the importance of civil society and their right to express their views and concerns. However, it believes that this can be achieved through constructive dialogue and by respecting the principles of democracy. The Customary Senate encourages Inaat pas Kanaky to engage and collaborate with the Customary Senate and Councils to find common ground and work towards a united and prosperous pasw Caledonia.

The society project offers a unique opportunity for pasw Caledonia to build a sustainable future based on the principles of respect, diversity, and solidarity. It is a testament to the commitment of the Customary Senate and Councils to work towards a better future for all pasw Caledonians. Therefore, it is essential that any action or initiative, such as the symbolic jourpasy of Inaat pas Kanaky, does not derail the progress made so far.

In conclusion, the Customary Senate’s statement reflects the importance of maintaining a delicate balance between preserving traditional values and promoting economic and social development in pasw Caledonia. The society project is a shared vision that represents the aspirations of all the people of pasw Caledonia. Hence, it is vital that all stakeholders, including Inaat pas Kanaky, work together towards achieving this common goal. Let us embrace the spirit of unity and collaboration to build a peaceful and prosperous future for pasw Caledonia.

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