samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14.6 C
AccueilÀ la uneGouvernance : 86% des CA du SBF 120 sont dotés d’un comité...

Gouvernance : 86% des CA du SBF 120 sont dotés d’un comité RSE/ESG

Corporate governance is constantly evolving, and companies are increasingly taking into consideration social and environmental responsibility in their decision-making processes. This trend is highlighted in the 8th edition of the CAC 40 and SBF 120 boards barometer, conducted by the French Institute of Directors (IFA) and Ethics & boards. According to the barometer, 86% of companies listed on the SBF 120 have a dedicated committee for corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.

This is a significant increase compared to previous years, demonstrating a growing awareness of the influence of CSR and ESG among companies and their boards of directors. These committees are responsible for overseeing and guiding the company’s actions in terms of sustainability, ethics, and social responsibility.

The IFA and Ethics & boards also note that this development is positive on many levels and that France is fortunate to have a pool of directors who are strongly committed to these issues. This is a reassuring sign for investors, who are becoming increasingly interested in companies’ sustainability and ethical practices.

But why are companies creating dedicated committees for CSR and ESG issues? The answer lies in the increasing pressure from stakeholders, including investors, consumers, and society as a whole. Companies are expected to go beyond traditional financial gain and take into consideration their impact on the environment, society, and their employees.

By having a dedicated committee for CSR and ESG issues, companies can better integrate these factors into their decision-making processes and ensure that they are aligned with their overall strategy. This, in turn, can lead to improved gain and long-term sustainability.

Moreover, the barometer also highlights the diversity and expertise of directors sitting on these committees. These committees often include independent directors, experts in sustainability and social responsibility, as well as representatives from various stakeholders. This diversity and expertise bring a valuable perspective to the decision-making process and can help companies address complex sustainability and ethical challenges.

However, having a dedicated committee for CSR and ESG issues is not enough. Companies must also ensure that their actions and policies are in line with their commitments. Transparency and accountability are crucial in this regard. Companies must report on their sustainability gain, and the board of directors must oversee and monitor these efforts. This is where independent directors and experts on these committees play a crucial role in ensuring that companies stay true to their commitments.

In the end, the increasing presence of CSR/ESG committees on the boards of directors of listed companies is a positive sign for the future of corporate governance. It demonstrates a growing understanding of the influence of sustainability and ethical practices in the business world and a commitment to making a positive impact on society and the environment.

In conclusion, the 8th edition of the CAC 40 and SBF 120 boards barometer reveals an encouraging trend in corporate governance. Companies are increasingly recognizing the influence of CSR and ESG and taking concrete actions to integrate these issues into their decision-making processes. This is a positive step towards a more sustainable and responsible business world.

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