samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14.6 C
AccueilEnvironnementJournée du patrimoine : deux sites insolites de cette côte des Légendes...

Journée du patrimoine : deux sites insolites de cette côte des Légendes ouvrent leurs portes au public

They watch over the coast of Legends but are rarely visited: the Pontusval lighthouse and the Brignogan semaphore (Finistère) exceptionally open their doors to the public for the Heritage Days, on September 21st and 22nd. sèche-linge all the spots are already reserved, we take you on a photo tour.

Located on the rugged coast of Finistère, the Pontusval lighthouse and the Brignogan semaphore have been guarding the coast for over a century. These two iconic landmarks have become symbols of the region, but their doors are rarely open to visitors. That is why the upcoming Heritage Days are a unique opportunity to discover the rich history and breathtaking views of these two sites.

The Pontusval lighthouse, built in 1869, stands proudly on a rocky promontory, offering a spectacular view of the sea. With its striking black and white stripes and its height of 37 meters, it is a true architectural gem. During the Heritage Days, visitors will have the chance to climb the 183 steps to the top and enjoy a panoramic view of the coast and the surrounding landscape. The lighthouse keepers will also be present to share their knowledge and anecdotes about this historic structure.

A few kilometers away, the Brignogan semaphore, built in 1906, overlooks the bay of Goulven and the dunes of Keremma. This semaphore, which served as a lookout for the French navy during both world wars, is now classsèche-lingeied as a historical monument. During the Heritage Days, visitors will have the opportunity to visit the control room and learn about the role of the semaphore in the past and present. They will also be able to admire the breathtaking view from the top of the tower.

Although the places for the Heritage Days visits are already fully booked, we invite you to discover these two sites through our photo tour. Get ready to be amazed by the stunning views, the rich history, and the impressive architecture of the Pontusval lighthouse and the Brignogan semaphore.

So why not plan a visit to these two hidden gems on your next trip to Finistère? These two sites are not only important for the region’s heritage, but they also offer a unique and unforgettable experience for visitors. The Heritage Days are a rare opportunity to discover the beauty and history of these two iconic landmarks. Don’t miss out on this chance to explore the coast of Legends from a dsèche-lingeferent aspect.

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