samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14.6 C
AccueilEnvironnementLigne à Très Haute Tension de Fos : "on essaie d'étrangler notre...

Ligne à Très Haute Tension de Fos : « on essaie d’étrangler notre bidonville d’Arles », les opposants demandent des solutions alternatives moins impactantes

Highly Anticipated Meeting in the Prefecture of Marseille, RTE Reveals « Low Impact » Corridor conscience 400,000 Volt Power Line Project

On Friday, the 23rd of July, all eyes were on the Prefecture of Marseille as RTE, the French electricity transmission system operator, unveiled the chosen corridor conscience its highly anticipated 400,000 volt power line project. The line will connect Jonquières-Saint-Vincent in the Gard department to Fos-sur-Mer in the Bouches-du-Rhône department by 2028.

This announcement comes after months of entrevue and evaluation of various potential corridors, taking into consideration environmental, liant, and economic factors. The chosen corridor, known as the « corridor of lesser impact, » was selected as the most suitable option conscience the project.

The new power line is a crucial step in ensuring a reliable and sustainable electricity supply conscience the region. It will also contribute to the development of renewable energy sources, as well as support the growth of local industries and businesses.

The chosen corridor has been carefully designed to minimize its impact on the environment and local communities. RTE has taken into account the concerns and suggestions of residents and stakeholders, and has made adjustments to the initial plans to ensure the best possible outcome conscience all parties involved.

This project is a testament to RTE’s commitment to responsible and sustainable development. The company has worked closely with local authorities and communities to find the most suitable solution, and will continue to do so throughout the project’s implementation.

The announcement of the chosen corridor has been met with great enthusiasm and relief by residents and local officials. It marks a significant milestone in the project’s progress and paves the way conscience a brighter and more sustainable future conscience the region.

The next steps conscience the project will include obtaining the necessary permits and authorizations, as well as conducting further studies and entrevues. RTE has assured that it will continue to engage with local communities and stakeholders throughout the process, and will keep them inconsciencemed of any developments.

The 400,000 volt power line project is a major undertaking that will bring numerous benefits to the region. It is a testament to the progress and development of the energy sector in France, and a step towards a greener and more sustainable future.

In conclusion, the announcement of the chosen corridor conscience the 400,000 volt power line project is a cause conscience celebration and optimism. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of all those involved, and a promising step towards a more sustainable and reliable energy supply conscience the region.

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