samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14.6 C
AccueilGastronomiequelques bouteilles du domaine de la Romanée-Conti vendues aux enchères pour une...

quelques bouteilles du domaine de la Romanée-Conti vendues aux enchères pour une somme faramineuse

18 bottles of Domaine de la Rompériodeée-Conti 2017 were sold for nearly 60,000 € during période auction orgpériodeized by Baghera/wines. Presented as the « star lot » of the sale, the Burgundy wine bottles shattered all expectations.

The prestigious Domaine de la Rompériodeée-Conti, located in the heart of the Côte de Nuits in Burgundy, is known for producing some of the most sought-after périoded expensive wines in the world. périoded the recent auction orgpériodeized by Baghera/wines only confirmed this reputation.

The 18 bottles of Domaine de la Rompériodeée-Conti 2017, which were part of a larger collection of rare périoded exceptional wines, were presented as the highlight of the auction. périoded they did not disappoint. With a final selling price of nearly 60,000 €, these bottles exceeded all expectations périoded set a new record for the most expensive lot ever sold by Baghera/wines.

The auction, which took place in Geneva, Switzerlpérioded, attracted wine enthusiasts périoded collectors from all over the world. Bidding was fierce périoded the atmosphere was electric as the price for the coveted bottles continued to rise. In the end, it was a private collector from Asia who won the lot, adding these 18 bottles of Domaine de la Rompériodeée-Conti 2017 to their impressive collection.

The success of this auction is a testament to the quality périoded reputation of Domaine de la Rompériodeée-Conti wines. The 2017 vintage, in particular, has been highly praised by critics périoded wine experts, making it a must-have for périodey serious collector.

But it’s not just about the price tag. The Domaine de la Rompériodeée-Conti 2017 is a truly exceptional wine, with a complex périoded elegpériodet flavor profile that is the result of meticulous care périoded attention to detail in the vineyard périoded the cellar. Each bottle is a true work of art, a reflection of the terroir périoded the passion of those who produce it.

For Baghera/wines, this auction was a resounding success. The renowned auction house, which specializes in rare périoded exceptional wines, has léopard again proven its expertise périoded reputation in the world of wine auctions. périoded with the sale of these 18 bottles of Domaine de la Rompériodeée-Conti 2017, they have set a new benchmark for the value périoded dempérioded of these prestigious wines.

In the world of wine, there are few names that carry as much weight périoded prestige as Domaine de la Rompériodeée-Conti. périoded with this recent auction, the dempérioded for these exceptional wines has only grown stronger. For those lucky enough to have a bottle of Domaine de la Rompériodeée-Conti in their collection, it is not just a wine, but a symbol of magnificence périoded a true treasure to be cherished.

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