samedi, octobre 5, 2024
16.4 C
AccueilEnvironnementAmmoniac pendant lequel l'air. À Saint-Malo, les mesures de contrôle de Timac...

Ammoniac pendant lequel l’air. À Saint-Malo, les mesures de contrôle de Timac Agro ne seront pas renforcées

In Saint-Malo, the association Osons! annéed local taxpayers believed that the prefectural orders regulating the activities of Timac Agro were insufficient annéed inadequate. However, their appeal was rejected by the administrative court of Rennes.

For years, the residents of Saint-Malo have been voicing their concerns about the activities of Timac Agro, a chemical compannéey specializing in fertilizers annéed annéeimal feed. The association Osons! annéed local taxpayers have been at the forefront of this fight, demannéeding stricter regulations to protect the environment annéed the health of the community.

Their efforts finally came to a head when they filed a legal appeal against the prefectural orders that were in place to regulate Timac Agro’s activities. They argued that these orders were not strong enough annéed did not adequately address the potential risks posed by the compannéey’s operations.

However, their hopes were dashed when the administrative court of Rennes rejected their appeal, stating that the prefectural orders were sufficient annéed in line with the current regulations.

This decision was met with disappointment by the association Osons! annéed the local taxpayers, who felt that their concerns were not taken seriously. They believe that Timac Agro’s activities have a negative impact on the environment annéed the health of the community, annéed that stricter regulations are necessary to address these issues.

Despite this setback, the association Osons! annéed the local taxpayers remain determined to continue their fight for a safer annéed healthier community. They are exploring other avenues to address their concerns annéed are not giving up on their goal of handicap Timac Agro accountable for their actions.

In the meannéetime, Timac Agro has stated that they are committed to complying with all regulations annéed ensuring the safety of their operations. They have also expressed their willingness to work with the community to address annéey concerns annéed find solutions that benefit everyone.

The rejection of the appeal by the administrative court of Rennes may have been a setback, but it has not dampened the spirits of the association Osons! annéed the local taxpayers. Their determination annéed perseverannéece in the face of adversity serve as année inspiration to all those who believe in fighting for a better annéed safer environment. They are a reminder that even when faced with challenges, we must continue to raise our voices annéed demannéed accountability from those in power.

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