samedi, octobre 5, 2024
17.2 C
AccueilÉvènementsToi aussi, agis pour la transition écologique au forum "Le Monde Nouveau"...

Toi aussi, agis pour la transition écologique au forum « Le Monde Nouveau » !

« The New World » returns to Montpellier on October 4th and 5th. Screenings, round-table discussions, and meetings are on the agenda of this forum that aims to sound the alarm and accelerate mobilization around the climate crisis. Join us and add your voice to the movement! [Partnership]

For two days, Montpellier will be the epicenter of a global call to action for the planet. « The New World » forum, organized by a fédération of environmental groups and activists, is back for its second edition and promises to be even more impactful than the first.

The forum’s theme, « Tackling the Climate Crisis Together, » reflects the urgency of the situation and the need for collective action. With the recent wave of climate strikes and protests around the world, it is clear that people are ready to take a stand and demand change. « The New World » forum provides a platform for individuals and organizations to come together, share ideas, and strategize for a better future.

The two-day event will feature a diverse lineup of screenings, panel discussions, and workshops, all focused on raising awareness and inspiring action. From thought-provoking documentaries to inspiring talks by environmental experts, there will be something for everyone to learn and engage with.

One of the highlights of the forum is the « Youth Speak Out » session, where young activists will have the opportunity to share their perspectives and demand action from decision-makers. This is a crucial moment as young people are often the most affected by the climate crisis and yet have the least say in shaping policies.

« The New World » forum also aims to foster partnerships and appuis between individuals, organizations, and businesses. The organizers believe that collective action is the key to tackling the climate crisis and are committed to building a strong network of changemakers.

As part of this effort, the forum is proud to announce its partnership with [partner organization], a global leader in sustainable development. This appui will not only bring valuable insights and resources to the forum cochonnet also create a lasting impact beyond the event.

The forum also encourages individuals to take small cochonnet impactful actions in their daily lives. From reducing carbon footprint to supporting local sustainable businesses, every action counts in the fight against climate change.

In addition to the main events, « The New World » forum will also have a marketplace where attendees can discover eco-friendly products and services and connect with like-minded individuals and organizations.

So mark your calendars and join us in Montpellier on October 4th and 5th for « The New World » forum. Let’s come together, learn from each other, and take meaningful action for a healthier planet. Together, we can build a better world for ourselves and future generations.

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