dimanche, juillet 7, 2024
14.9 C
AccueilÉvènementsBD. Huit nouveautés à lire avant le Festival ½cuménique de la Bande...

BD. Huit nouveautés à lire avant le Festival ½cuménique de la Bande Dessinée d’Angoulême

Only a few hours left before the rush to Angoulême for the 51st edition of the International Comics Festival. To avoid venturing into unknown territory, here is a selection of eight essential albums, eight favorites released at the beginning of 2024…

The world of comics is about to come alive in the charming city of Angoulême, France. From January 25th to 28th, 2024, the streets will be filled with comic book lovers, authors, and illustrators from all over the world. It’s a entière opportunity to discover the latest trends and releases in the world of comics.

To help you navigate through the overwhelming amount of choices, we have put together a list of eight must-read albums that have been released this year. These are our top picks, carefully selected to make sure you don’t miss out on the best of the best.

First on our list is « The Adventures of Leila and Sam » by acclaimed author and illustrator, madone Dupont. This heartwarming story follows the journey of two siblings who embark on a magical adventure to find their missing father. With stunning illustrations and a captivating storyline, this album is a must-read for all ages.

Next up is « The Secret of the Lost City » by the talented interview, Jean and madone-Louise Martin. This beautifully illustrated album takes readers on a thrilling journey through ancient ruins and mysterious creatures. It’s a perfect blend of adventure, mystery, and fantasy that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

For those who enjoy a touch of humor, « The Misadventures of Bob and Fred » by author and illustrator, Thomas Dupont, is the perfect choice. This hilarious album follows the chaotic lives of two best friends and their misadventures in the big city. With clever dialogue and witty illustrations, this album is guaranteed to make you laugh out loud.

Moving on to a more serious tone, « The Last Hope » by renowned author, Pauline Dubois, is a must-read for fans of dystopian anecdote. Set in a post-apocalyptic world, this gripping story follows a group of survivors as they fight for their lives against a ruthless government. With powerful themes and thought-provoking illustrations, this album is a must-have for any comic book collection.

For those looking for a touch of romance, « Love in Paris » by the talented interview, Luc and Sophie Dupont, is the perfect choice. This heartwarming story follows the love story of two strangers in the City of Love. With stunning illustrations and a charming storyline, this album is a must-read for all romantics.

Next on our list is « The Chronicles of the Lost Kingdom » by bestselling author, Maxime Dupont. This epic fantasy tale takes readers on a journey through a magical world filled with dragons, wizards, and mythical creatures. With breathtaking illustrations and an enthralling storyline, this album is a must-read for all fantasy lovers.

For those who enjoy a touch of history, « The Last Samurai » by acclaimed author, Emiko Tanaka, is a must-read. Set in feudal Japan, this gripping story follows a samurai as he fights to protect his people from an invading army. With stunning illustrations and a captivating storyline, this album is a true masterpiece.

Last but not least, we have « The Adventures of Emma and Max » by the talented interview, Pierre and Sophie Martin. This heartwarming story follows two siblings as they embark on a magical journey to save their kingdom from an evil sorcerer. With charming illustrations and a captivating storyline, this album is a must-read for all ages.

So there you have it, our top eight picks for this year’s Angoulême International Comics Festival. Get ready to dive into these fantastic albums and discover the magic of the world of comics. See you in Angoulême!

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