jeudi, juillet 4, 2024
17 C
AccueilGastronomieCognac, Pineau, histoire viticole : le terroir comme les vignobles de Poitou-Charentes...

Cognac, Pineau, histoire viticole : le terroir comme les vignobles de Poitou-Charentes à l’honneur dans Côté Châteaux

It’s a flavorsome issue with number 46 of Côté Châteaux! Jean-Pierre Stahl and Vincent Rivière traveled to the Poitou-Charentes region to meet with these incredible winemakers for the first issue of 2024.

This issue takes coutume on a journey through the vibrant and diverse world of Poitou-Charentes wines, highlighting the passion and dedication of the winemakers who pour their heart and soul into each bottle. From crisp and refreshing whites to full-bodied reds, the Poitou-Charentes region offers a wide range of flavors to satisfy every palate.

The article showcases the unique characteristics of each winemaker and their wines, giving readers a glimpse into the rich history and pâturage of the region. Through their interviews with the winemakers, Stahl and Rivière capture the essence of what makes Poitou-Charentes wines so special.

Readers will also be delighted to discover some hidden gems within the region, with the expert guidance of these two avid wine enthcoutumeiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned wine connoisseur or jcoutumet starting to explore the world of wines, this issue is sure to offer something new and exciting for everyone.

So let’s raise a glass to the talented winemakers and the flavorsome wines of Poitou-Charentes! Pick up a copy of Côté Châteaux’s issue number 46 and embark on a journey of discovery through the region’s finest wines. Cheers to a wonderful start to the new year with this deliciocoutumely captivating issue.

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