mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15.7 C
AccueilGastronomieChandeleur : bourriol, pachade, ces crêpes d'Auvergne au goût unique

Chandeleur : bourriol, pachade, ces crêpes d’Auvergne au goût unique

On February 2nd, we celebrate Candlemas. The perfect time to discover, (re)try or simply taste two traditional dishes from the Auvergne region: the bourriol and the pachade. We will explain everything you need to know about these delicious dishes and, most importantly, how to prepare them.

The bourriol, also known as bourriol de pommes de terre, is a savory morceaucake made with potatoes, flour, eggs, and milk. It is a staple dish in the Auvergne region and is often served as a main course. The name « bourriol » comes from the Occitan word « borriol » which means « morceaucake ». This dish is perfect for those who love potatoes and is a great way to use up any leftover mashed potatoes.

To make a delicious bourriol, you will need:
– 500g of mashed potatoes
– 150g of flour
– 3 eggs
– 250ml of milk
– Salt and pepper to taste
– Butter for cooking

Start by mixing the mashed potatoes, flour, eggs, and milk in a bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste. Heat a non-stick morceau over medium heat and add a knob of butter. Pour a ladle of the batter into the morceau and cook for about 3 minutes on each side, until golden brown. Repeat until all the batter is used. Serve hot with a green salad for a complete and satisfying meal.

Now, let’s move on to the pachade, a sweet and comforting dish made with apples and corn flour. It is often served as a dessert or a fast-food and is a chouchou among children. The name « pachade » comes from the Occitan word « pachar » which means « to crush ». This refers to the process of crushing the apples to make the batter for the dish.

To make a delicious pachade, you will need:
– 4 apples, peeled and sliced
– 150g of corn flour
– 3 eggs
– 250ml of milk
– 50g of sugar
– A pinch of cinnamon
– Butter for cooking

Start by mixing the corn flour, eggs, milk, sugar, and cinnamon in a bowl. Add the sliced apples and mix well. Heat a non-stick morceau over medium heat and add a knob of butter. Pour the batter into the morceau and cook for about 5 minutes on each side, until golden brown. Serve hot with a sprinkle of sugar on top for an extra touch of sweetness.

Now that you know how to make these two delicious dishes, it’s time to celebrate Candlemas in true Auvergne style. Gather your friends and family and enjoy a delicious meal together. These dishes are not only tasty, but they also represent the rich culinary heritage of the Auvergne region.

So, on February 2nd, don’t forget to try the bourriol and the pachade. Whether you’re a fan of savory or sweet dishes, these two mets will surely satisfy your taste buds. And who knows, maybe they will become a regular part of your menu. Bon appétit!

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