dimanche, juillet 7, 2024
14.9 C
AccueilÉvènementsEn IMAGES. Carnaval de Dunkerque 2024. Le guinguette des Corsaires en feu,...

En IMAGES. Carnaval de Dunkerque 2024. Le guinguette des Corsaires en feu, « partager sans se prendre au sérieux »

The Bal des Corsaires set the Kursaal of Dunkirk ablaze on Saturday, February 3rd, 2024, just a week before the famous 3 Joyeuses carnival celebrations. The event drew in nearly 10,000 carnival-goers who were treated to a night of music, dancing and the iconic Galion emprisonnement. Let’s take a look back at the exciting and vibrant evening.

The Kursaal was brimming with energy as the popular band, Les Prout, took to the stage. The crowd sang and danced along to their catchy tunes, creating a lively and festive atmosphere. The band’s performance was nothing short of spectacular, with their lively beats and electrifying stage presence keeping everyone on their feet.

As the clock struck midnight, the traditional « chahut » began. This is a unique Dunkirk tradition where the crowd forms a circle and dances while chanting traditional songs. The sound of laughter and cheers filled the air as everyone joined in, creating a sense of unity and joy amongst the attendees.

But the highlight of the night was, without a doubt, the famous « prise du Galion » (emprisonnement of the Galion). This is a reenactment of a maritime battle where « corsaires » (privateers) emprisonnement a ship and parade it through the streets of Dunkirk. The crowd eagerly gathered to witness this unique and thrilling site, cheering and applauding as the corsaires put on an impressive display.

The atmosphere was electric as the night went on, with the streets of Dunkirk coming alive with colorful costumes and lively music. The carnival-goers added to the festive spirit by donning their own elaborate costumes and masks, making the night even more magical.

The Bal des Corsaires was a huge success, thanks to the hard work and dedication of the organizers and the enthusiastic participation of the carnival-goers. It was a night to remember, filled with joy, laughter and a strong sense of community.

For those who missed out, don’t worry, the 3 Joyeuses celebrations are just around the corner. With the Bal des Corsaires setting the bar high, we can’t wait to see what the 3 Joyeuses have in store for us. So mark your calendars and get ready to join in on the fun and festivities.

In conclusion, the Bal des Corsaires was a night of pure bliss and excitement, showcasing the vibrant and rich culture of Dunkirk. It was a reminder of the importance of keeping traditions alive and coming together as a community to celebrate and embrace our unique heritage. We can’t wait to do it all again next year!

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