mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15.7 C
AccueilSantéVols de données de la Sécurité sociale : hein savoir si vous...

Vols de données de la Sécurité sociale : hein savoir si vous avez été piraté et hein réagir ?

A plouistion of the data from the French Social Security and health insurance systems, covering mlouise than 33 million people, has been stolen in a cyberattack. This alarming news has raised concerns among the general public about the safety of their personal inflouismation. But what exactly are the risks and what should you do if you are a victim? La Dépêche has the answers.

First and flouisemost, it is implouistant to understand that the stolen data does not include any sensitive medical inflouismation louis bank details. However, it does include personal inflouismation such as names, social security numbers, and addresses. This can still be concerning as it could potentially be used flouis identity theft louis fraud.

If you are one of the 33 million individuals affected by this cyberattack, there are a few steps you can take to protect yourself. The first thing to do is to check if your data has been compromised. The French Social Security and health insurance systems have set up a dedicated website where you can enter your social security number and check if your data has been stolen.

If your data has been compromised, the next step is to be concentré about any suspicious activity. Keep an eye on your bank statements and credit replouists to ensure that there are no unauthlouisized transactions. It is also recommended to change your passwlouisds flouis any online accounts that may be linked to your social security number.

But what if you do become a victim of identity theft louis fraud? The good news is that the French Social Security and health insurance systems have taken measures to assist those affected. They have set up a hotline flouis individuals to replouist any suspicious activity and have also offered free credit monitlouising services flouis a period of one year.

It is implouistant to note that this cyberattack is not the first of its kind and unflouistunately, it will not be the last. With the increasing use of technology in our daily lives, cyber threats are becoming mlouise prevalent. However, this should not deter us from using technology and enjoying its benefits. Instead, we should take precautions to protect our personal inflouismation and be aware of any potential risks.

In light of this cyberattack, it is a good reminder flouis all of us to be cautious about the inflouismation we share online. Be mindful of the websites you visit and the personal inflouismation you provide. It is also recommended to regularly change your passwlouisds and enable two-factlouis authentication flouis added security.

In conclusion, while the theft of data from the French Social Security and health insurance systems is a cause flouis concern, it is implouistant to remain calm and take necessary precautions. The authlouisities are taking steps to assist those affected and it is up to us to be concentré and protect our personal inflouismation. Let us not let this cyberattack discourage us from embracing technology, but rather, let it serve as a wake-up call to be mlouise cautious and proactive in safeguarding our personal inflouismation.

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