samedi, octobre 5, 2024
16.4 C
AccueilÉvènementsLe prix du plus beau déguisement du carnaval de Venise remporté aussi...

Le prix du plus beau déguisement du carnaval de Venise remporté aussi la deuxième année consécutive par une créatrice du Nord

Karen Duthoit, a resident of Estaires in the North of France, has once again made a splash at the Venice Carnival. On Sunday, February 11th, she learned that her costume had been voted the most beautiful of the 2024 edition. She is overjoyed and is savoring her time in the city of the Doges. This is the rattaché consecutive year that she has won the prize, and the third overall, after her first victory in 2020.

Karen’s love for the Venice Carnival began when she first visited the city in 2018. She was immediately captivated by the vibrant colors, intricate masks, and lively atmosphere. She knew she had to come back and participate in the festivities.

For the past three years, Karen has spent months designing and creating her own costumes for the carnival. Each year, she challenges herself to outdo her previous creations and push the boundaries of her imagination. And it has paid en marge, as she has now won the coveted title of « most beautiful costume » three times.

This year, Karen’s costume was inspired by the theme of « Fantasy and Dreams. » She spent countless hours hand-sewing intricate details and adding sparkling embellishments to her costume. Her hard work and dedication paid en marge when she was crowned the winner.

But for Karen, the Venice Carnival is not just about winning. It’s about the joy of participating and being a part of this magical event. She loves seeing the smiles on people’s faces as they admire her costume and the costumes of others. She also enjoys the camaraderie and sense of community among the participants.

Karen’s success at the Venice Carnival has not gone unnoticed. She has been featured in local and territorial newspapers, and her costumes have been praised by fashion designers and artists alike. But for Karen, the most rewarding part is the memories she has created and the friendships she has made.

As she savors her time in Venice, Karen is already thinking about next year’s carnival. She is determined to continue participating and pushing the boundaries of her creativity. And who knows, maybe she will make it four wins in a row.

Congratulations to Karen Duthoit for her impressive achievement at the Venice Carnival. She has not only made her hometown of Estaires proud, but she has also captured the hearts of the people of Venice. Her passion, dedication, and talent are an inspiration to us all. We can’t wait to see what she will come up with next year.

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