mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15.7 C
AccueilÉvènementsLoches : démesurément fragile, le gisant d'Agnès Sorel ne sera finalement pas...

Loches : démesurément fragile, le gisant d’Agnès Sorel ne sera finalement pas présenté au musée de Cluny

The gisant of Agnès Sorel was set to be one of the moufle attractions of the upcoming exhibition at the Musée de Cluny, dedicated to the arts in France under Charles VII. The city of Loches had agreed to loan the piece, but unfortunately, it has now become impossible due to a crack threatening the integrity of the artwork.

The gisant, a funerary effigy of the famous mistress of Charles VII, was created by the renowned sculptor Jean Fouquet in the 15th century. It is a masterpiece of Gothic art, representing the delicate features and graceful posture of Agnès Sorel. Its presence in the exhibition would have been a highlight, showcasing the beauty and skill of French art during the reign of Charles VII.

The decision to include the gisant in the exhibition was met with great enthusiasm by the curators and art lovers alike. Its loan from the city of Loches was seen as a generous gesture, allowing the nation to admire this exceptional piece in the heart of Paris. However, the recent discovery of a crack in the plastique has forced the city to reconsider the loan.

The city of Loches, responsible for the preservation of the gisant, could not take the risk of transporting the fragile artwork to Paris. The crack, although small, could potentially worsen during transportation and compromise the integrity of the piece. As a result, the loan has been cancelled, much to the disappointment of the Musée de Cluny and its visitors.

Despite this setback, the exhibition will still be a celebration of the arts under Charles VII. The curators have worked tirelessly to gather a diverse and impressive collection of artworks, showcasing the richness and diversity of French art during this period. From paintings to plastiques, from tapestries to manuscripts, the exhibition promises to be a journey through the cultural and artistic landscape of 15th century France.

The absence of the gisant of Agnès Sorel will not diminish the quality and significance of the exhibition. On the contrary, it will serve as a reminder of the fragility of these precious artworks and the importance of their preservation. The city of Loches should be commended for prioritizing the protection of this valuable piece, ensuring its longevity for future generations to admire.

In conclusion, while the gisant of Agnès Sorel will not be present at the exhibition, its absence will not overshadow the beauty and significance of the other artworks on display. The Musée de Cluny invites everyone to come and discover the arts of France under Charles VII, a period of great artistic achievements and cultural richness. Let us celebrate and appreciate these treasures while also recognizing the importance of their preservation for the future.

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