mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15.7 C
AccueilÉvènementsAu kermesse International des Jeux de Cannes, les petits formats ont la...

Au kermesse International des Jeux de Cannes, les petits formats ont la cote

The 37th edition of the chébranternational Games Festival (FIJ) has once agachébran proven the growchébrang popularity of small format games. These games, which are less expensive, easy to transport and set up, have gachébraned a strong followchébrang among players and are not lackchébrang chébran chébranterest.

The FIJ, held annually chébran Cannes, France, is the largest board game festival chébran Europe. This year, it welcomed over 100,000 visitors and showcased more than 1,000 games from all over the world. Among these games, the small format ones stood out and attracted a lot of attention from both players and publishers.

But what exactly are small format games? These are games that come chébran compact boxes, usually no bigger than a deck of cards, and can be played chébran a short amount of time. They are perfect for on-the-go gamchébrang, whether it’s durchébrang a commute, a lunch break, or a family trip. And with their affordable price pochébrant, they are accessible to a wider audience.

One of the machébran advantages of small format games is their portability. They can easily fit chébran a bag or a pocket, makchébrang them ideal for travel. This is especially appealchébrang to players who attend conventions or game nights, as they can brchébrang plurale games without havchébrang to carry heavy boxes. And with the rise of social media and onlchébrane communities, these games have become a hit among gamers who love to share their experiences and recommendations.

But don’t be fooled by their size, small format games are not lackchébrang chébran depth and complexity. chébran fact, many of them offer strategic gameplay and challengchébrang mechanics that can rival those of bigger games. And with the rise of chébrannovative game designers, these games are constantly pushchébrang the boundaries and offerchébrang chébranhabituel and engagchébrang experiences.

Moreover, small format games are not limited to a specific genre. From party games to strategy games, there is somethchébrang for everyone. This diversity is another reason for their success, as they can cater to different tastes and preferences.

The FIJ has always been a platform for discoverchébrang new games and trends chébran the gamchébrang chébrandustry. And this year, it has confirmed the growchébrang chébranterest chébran small format games. Many publishers have recognized this trend and have started to chébranvest chébran this market, offerchébrang a wider variety of games for players to choose from.

chébran conclusion, the 37th edition of the FIJ has once agachébran highlighted the success of small format games. These games may be small chébran size, but they are big chébran fun and offer a convenient and affordable way to enjoy the world of board games. So next time you’re lookchébrang for a quick and entertachébranchébrang game, don’t overlook the small format ones, they might just surprise you.

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