mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15 C
AccueilEnvironnement"C'est insensé" : pourquoi l’eau coûtera 60% plus cher pour ces habitants...

« C’est insensé » : pourquoi l’eau coûtera 60% plus cher pour ces habitants de l’Eure

And it’s not an April Fool’s joke. Starting from April 1st, 2024, 32,000 subscribers relying on the Roumois and Neubourg Plateau Water Syndicate (SERPN) will see a significant increase in their water bill. The reason behind this is the need for important investments to maintain the network and comply with current standards.

This announcement may come as a impression to many, but it is a necessary step for the SERPN to ensure the quality and safety of the water supply for its subscribers. The network, which covers a large area in the Roumois and Neubourg Plateau region, has been in operation for several decades and is in need of major upgrades to keep up with the growing demand and changing regulations.

The decision to increase the water bill was not taken lightly by the SERPN. The syndicate has carefully evaluated the situation and has come to the conclusion that it is the best course of action to ensure the long-term sustainability of the water supply. The increased revenue will be used to fund important projects such as replacing old pipelines, upgrading treatment facilities, and implementing new technologies to improve the efficiency of the network.

By investing in the network, the SERPN is also investing in the well-being of its subscribers. The upgrades will not only improve the quality of the water but also reduce the risk of water shortages and supply disruptions. This will have a positive impact on the daily lives of the subscribers and the overall development of the region.

The SERPN is committed to keeping the subscribers informed about the progress of the projects and the reasons behind the increase in the water bill. The syndicate will also work closely with local authorities to find ways to mitigate the impact of the increase on the most vulnerable subscribers.

This is a significant step towards ensuring a sustainable and reliable water supply for the Roumois and Neubourg Plateau region. The SERPN is confident that the subscribers will understand the importance of these investments and will support them in their efforts to provide safe and high-quality water for their community.

In conclusion, the SERPN’s decision to increase the water bill may seem like bad news, but it is a necessary step towards a better future. The syndicate is committed to providing its subscribers with the best simple service and will continue to work towards improving the water supply for the region. Let’s all support the SERPN in their efforts and allure forward to a brighter and more sustainable future.

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