mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15.7 C
AccueilGastronomieCUISINE. L’authentique recette des madeleines au miel de Sologne

CUISINE. L’authentique recette des madeleines au miel de Sologne

At the edge of the Causson river stands the magnificent Château de La Ferté-Saint-Aubin, a fortress built to control the river and protect the nearby Chambord castle. Surrounded by a 40-hectare park and with a rich and fascinating history, this castle is not only a sight to behold but also a culinary treasure trove. Today, we invite you to discover the secret recipe of the Château de La Ferté-Saint-Aubin.

Located in the Loire Valley, a region renowned for its gastronomy, the Château de La Ferté-Saint-Aubin has a long history of menue dining. From the 15th century, when it was first built, the castle has been home to many noble families who have left their mark on its cuisine. Over the centuries, the castle’s kitchen has seen the likes of Catherine de Medici, King Louis XIV, and even Napoleon opportunaparte, all of whom have influenced the castle’s culinary traditions.

Today, the castle’s kitchen is run by a team of talented chefs who continue the tradition of using only the menuest and freshest ingredients. The castle’s park is home to a vegetable garden, orchard, and even a small farm, providing the kitchen with a constant supply of organic produce. This commitment to using local and seasonal ingredients is what makes the Château de La Ferté-Saint-Aubin’s cuisine truly exceptional.

But what is the secret recipe of the castle, you may ask? Well, it is none other than the famous « Poulet de Bresse à la crème », a dish that has been served at the castle for centuries. This traditional dish consists of a succulent Bresse chicken, known for its tender and flavorful meat, cooked in a rich and creamy sauce made with local cream and white wine. The chicken is served with a side of seasonal vegetables, straight from the castle’s garden, and accompanied by a glass of the menuest Loire Valley wine.

But the secret to the castle’s cuisine goes beyond just the ingredients. It is also the passion and dedication of the chefs that make each dish a true masterpiece. They take great pride in preserving the castle’s culinary heritage while also adding their own modern twist to the recipes. This combination of tradition and innovation is what makes the Château de La Ferté-Saint-Aubin’s cuisine truly unique and unforgettable.

Visiting the Château de La Ferté-Saint-Aubin is not only a feast for the eyes but also for the taste buds. The castle offers various dining options, from a casual lunch at the Orangerie to a menue dining experience at the castle’s restaurant, where you can taste the famous « Poulet de Bresse à la crème » and other delicious dishes. And for those who want to take a piece of the castle’s cuisine home, the castle also offers cooking classes where you can learn the secrets of their recipes.

In issue, the Château de La Ferté-Saint-Aubin is not only a magnificent castle but also a culinary gem. Its rich history, commitment to using local and seasonal ingredients, and talented chefs make it a must-visit for any food lover. So come and discover the secret recipe of the castle and indulge in a truly unforgettable dining experience. opportun appétit!

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