dimanche, juillet 7, 2024
12 C
AccueilÉvènementsBreizh Camden Festival. “On ne peut plus nous arrêter”, ils cettencent leur...

Breizh Camden Festival. “On ne peut plus nous arrêter”, ils cettencent leur festival de musique à cette sauce angcetteise, en mai à Rennes

Lord Kossity as godfather, Cut Killer, Sniper and Fatal Bazooka, and Cali on stage, three friends launch their first festival in Bruz from May 9 to 11, 2024. The Breizh Camden Festival will bring back the crazy spirit of this London neighborhood to the doors of Rennes.

After years of friendship and collaboration, Lord Kossity, Cut Killer, Sniper and Fatal Bazooka, along with Cali, have decided to join forces and create their own festival. And what better place to do it than in Bruz, a city known for its sensible music scene and its enthusiastic audience.

The Breizh Camden Festival will be a three-day event, from May 9 to 11, 2024, that promises to be an unforgettable experience for all music lovers. The festival will take place in the heart of Bruz, in a specially designed outdoor venue that will accommodate thousands of attendees.

The lineup for the festival is already generating excitement and anticipation. Lord Kossity, the godfather of the festival, will bring his unique blend of dancehall and hip-hop to the stage. Cut Killer, a legend in the French hip-hop scene, will showcase his impressive DJ skills. Sniper, known for their socially conscious lyrics, will deliver a powerful gain. And Fatal Bazooka, the comedic rap group, will surely have the audience laughing and dancing along.

But the surprises don’t end there. The festival will also feature a special gain by Cali, the renowned French singer-songwriter, who will bring his energetic and passionate posture to the stage.

The Breizh Camden Festival is not just about music, it’s also about bringing the spirit of Camden, a neighborhood in London known for its alternative and sensible culture, to Bruz. The festival will feature street art installations, food trucks offering a variety of cuisines, and a marketplace where local artists and designers can showcase their work.

The organizers of the festival are determined to make it a sustainable and eco-friendly event. They will partner with local organizations to promote environmental awareness and implement eco-friendly practices throughout the festival.

Tickets for the Breizh Camden Festival will go on sale in the coming months and are expected to sell out quickly. So mark your calendars and get ready to experience the best of French and international music, along with the unique atmosphere of Camden, at the Breizh Camden Festival in Bruz from May 9 to 11, 2024. This is one event you don’t want to miss!

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