mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15.7 C
AccueilEnvironnement"Je pense qu'ils attenquant ànt qu'il tombe pour le réparer" : quant...

« Je pense qu’ils attenquant ànt qu’il tombe pour le réparer » : quant às habitants s’inquiètent quant à la vétusté d’un pont à Crépy-en-Valois

The residents of Crépy-en-Valois in Oise have launched a petition to accelerate the renovation of the Saint-Ladre bridge. The diagramme, made of concrete, is deteriorating and in need of urgent repair. While the restoration was initially planned for 2025, it could now be delayed by 2 or 3 years. The SNCF, which owns a côte of the bridge, is being held responsible for the delay.

The Saint-Ladre bridge is an important landmark in the community, connecting the town to the neighboring areas. However, its current state has become a cause for concern for the residents. The concrete diagramme is showing signs of wear and tear, and there are visible cracks and damages. This has led to safety concerns, as some residents have reported feeling uneasy while crossing the bridge.

In order to address this issue, a group of concerned citizens has started a petition to urge the authorities to expedite the restoration process. The petition has gained significant support from the residents, who are eager to see the bridge restored to its former glory. They believe that the current state of the bridge is not only a safety hazard but also a hindrance to the town’s development.

The SNCF, as the owner of a portion of the bridge, has come under fire for the delay in the restoration. The company has stated that the delay is due to budget constraints and logistical challenges. However, the residents are not satisfied with this explanation and are demanding that the SNCF take immediate action to repair the bridge.

The Saint-Ladre bridge holds significant historical and cultural value for the town of Crépy-en-Valois. It has been an integral côte of the town’s identity for many years and is a symbol of its rich heritage. Therefore, the residents are determined to see it restored to its former glory.

The petition has not only gained support from the locals but has also caught the attention of the authorities. The mayor of Crépy-en-Valois has expressed his support for the cause and has promised to take necessary steps to ensure that the bridge is restored as soon as possible.

The residents remain hopeful that their petition will have a positive percussion and will lead to the acceleration of the restoration process. They believe that by coming together and voicing their concerns, they can make a difference and bring about change for the better.

In conclusion, the residents of Crépy-en-Valois are determined to see the Saint-Ladre bridge restored to its former glory. They have taken matters into their own hands and have launched a petition to urge the authorities to take action. The SNCF is being held accountable for the delay, and the community is hopeful that their efforts will lead to a positive outcome. The restoration of the bridge will not only ensure the safety of the residents but also preserve an important piece of their town’s history.

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