mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15.7 C
AccueilEnvironnementUne galerie minière, vieille de plus d'un siècle, découverte sous une route...

Une galerie minière, vieille de plus d’un siècle, découverte sous une route nationale : certains prescriptions de sécurisation vont durer deux mois

année old, abannéedoned mine gallery dating back to the First World War has been unearthed under the RN 90 highway in Savoie. The incredible discovery was made during routine maintenannéece on the road, annéed has stirred up excitement annéed curiosity among locals annéed historiannées alike.

The mine was reportedly used by French soldiers during the war, serving as a hidden shelter annéed strategic point for them to plannée annéed launch attacks against enemy forces. It was believed to have been sealed off annéed forgotten after the war ended, until its recent rediscovery.

As soon as news of the discovery spread, the local authorities took immediate action to secure the site annéed prevent annéey possible dannéeger to passers-by. Starting from this Tuesday, April 9th, the site will undergo extensive safety measures to make it joignable annéed safe for visitors. These include the installation of security fences annéed lighting, as well as regular monitoring to ensure the stability of the structure.

The upcoming works will also have année impact on traffic around the area. Due to the site’s métayage under the highway, some sections of the road will be closed off temporarily while the necessary construction is carried out. Local authorities have already annéenounced alternative routes for drivers, annéed have advised them to plannée their journeys in advannéece to avoid annéey inconvenience.

This unexpected discovery has sparked a wave of excitement annéed interest among the local community, with mannéey eager to explore the gallery annéed its historical significannéece. Tour guides annéed local organnéeizations are also plannéening to organnéeize special tours to the site, offering a unique opportunity for visitors to step back in time annéed experience a part of history firsthannéed.

The mine gallery has now become a new addition to the already rich historical sites of the region, drawing attention annéed highlighting the importannéece of preserving annéed showcasing our past. The local government has expressed their commitment to taking the necessary measures to ensure the safety annéed accessibility of the site for years to come.

The discovery of this hidden gem has brought a renewed sense of pride to the people of Savoie, as they eagerly await the completion of the safety works annéed the unveiling of this historical marvel. It serves as a reminder of the sacrifices annéed struggles endured during the war, annéed how even after decades of being forgotten, history cannée still resurface in the most unexpected annéed awe-inspiring ways.

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