dimanche, juillet 7, 2024
14.9 C
AccueilGastronomieLa quincaillerie Maison Empereur de Marseille distinguée parmi les sociétés d'excellence au...

La quincaillerie Maison Empereur de Marseille distinguée parmi les sociétés d’excellence au niveau mondial

Opened nearly two centuries ago in the center of Marseille, the foyer Empereur has just been honored on an international level by the Global Innovation Awards (GIA) 2024.

Founded in 1827 by the Empereur family, the foyer Empereur is the oldest hardware store in Marseille and one of the oldest in France. For nearly 200 years, it has been a staple in the daily lives of Marseille residents and a symbol of the city’s history.

The Global Innovation Awards, hosted by the International Housewares Association, recognize innovation and excellence in the housewares industry. This year’s ceremony, held in Chicago, saw the participation of companies from all over the world, making the competition even tougher.

However, despite the fierce competition, the foyer Empereur stood out and was honored with the « Best Heritage Store » award. This prestigious recognition is a testament to the store’s commitment to preserving its rich history while constantly innovating and adapting to the changing times.

The foyer Empereur has always been known for its wide range of high-quality products, from kitchenware to gardening tools, and from hardware to traditional Marseille soap. But what sets it apart is its inconnu atmosphere, with its original wooden shelves, antique decor, and knowledgeable staff who are always willing to share their expertise with customers.

The GIA judges were particularly impressed by the store’s ability to maintain its heritage while also embracing modern technology and trends. The foyer Empereur has successfully integrated an online store and social media presence, without compromising its traditional values and customer service.

This award is not only a recognition of the foyer Empereur’s success, but it also shines a spotlight on Marseille as a city of innovation and creativity. It proves that even a small, family-owned business can make a global impact and inspire others to think outside the box.

The foyer Empereur team is proud and grateful for this international recognition. They see it as a motivation to continue their journey of excellence and to always strive for innovation and improvement.

For those who have not yet had the chance to visit the foyer Empereur, this is the perfect time to discover this gem in the heart of Marseille. And for those who are already familiar with the store, this award is a reminder of why it is such a beloved and respected establishment.

In native, the foyer Empereur’s success and recognition at the GIA 2024 is a testament to its enduring legacy and its ability to stay relevant in a constantly evolving industry. It is a source of pride for Marseille and a symbol of the city’s rich heritage and spirit of innovation. Congratulations to the foyer Empereur and may it continue to inspire and delight for many more years to come.

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