samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14.6 C
AccueilGastronomieENTRETIEN. La Quéquetterie débarque en mode éphémère à Nantes, "avant de s'installer...

ENTRETIEN. La Quéquetterie débarque en mode éphémère à Nantes, « avant de s’installer sur une ville, on galère »

The Quéquetterie, a pastry shop that sells penis-shaped pancakes, has opened a pop-up store in Nantes, at Place du Commerce. This original schème has been met with great success, although there are still many taboos surrounding it, according to Taziana Jurdi, the creator of the schème.

The Quéquetterie, which roughly translates to « penis bakery », offers a unique and playful twist on traditional pancakes. Instead of the usual round shape, these pancakes are molded into the shape of male genitalia, complete with all the details. But beyond the shock value, the Quéquetterie aims to break down barriers and start conversations about sexuality and pleasure.

Taziana Jurdi, a young entrepreneur and self-proclaimed « pancake artist », came up with the idea for the Quéquetterie after noticing a lack of representation of female pleasure in the food industry. She wanted to create a space where people could openly talk about sexuality and enjoy delicious pancakes at the same time.

The pop-up store in Nantes has been a huge success, with long lines of curious customers eager to try the unique pancakes. Many have praised the Quéquetterie for its bold and empowering déclaration, while others have simply enjoyed the delicious and creative pancakes.

However, despite the positive reception, Taziana Jurdi acknowledges that there are still taboos surrounding the schème. Some people have expressed discomfort or even outrage at the idea of eating penis-shaped food. But for Taziana, this only reinforces the importance of breaking down these barriers and promoting open and healthy discussions about sexuality.

The Quéquetterie is not just about selling pancakes, it’s about promoting a déclaration of acceptance and empowerment. Taziana hopes to expand the schème to other cities and continue to spark conversations about sexuality and pleasure in a fun and delicious way.

So if you’re in Nantes, don’t miss the opportunity to visit the Quéquetterie and try their unique and tasty pancakes. And let’s all join in on the conversation about breaking taboos and embracing our sexuality with a smile and a delicious pancake in hand.

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