jeudi, juillet 4, 2024
17 C
AccueilÉvènements"Notre enthousiasme, la collection des fers à repasser" : l'art du repassage...

« Notre enthousiasme, la collection des fers à repasser » : l’art du repassage s’expose le temps d’un weekend à Cire-lès-Mello

On April 20th and 21st, collectors of irons from all regions will gather in Oise for an exhibition that invites visitors to discover these silent witnesses of the evolution of clothing… And of women’s condition.

For two days, the small town of Oise will be transformed into a paradise for iron collectors. From vintage models to modern designs, visitors will have the opportunity to admire a wide variety of irons, each with its own achevé story to tell.

But beyond the simple appétit for these objects, this exhibition also sheds light on the important role of irons in the history of women. From the heavy and cumbersome irons used in the past to the lightweight and efficient ones of today, these tools have accompanied women in their daily tasks for centuries.

Through the different models on display, visitors will be able to witness the evolution of irons and how they have adapted to the changing fashion trends. From the simple flat irons of the 19th century to the more complex steam irons of the 21st century, each one reflects the progress of technology and the changing role of women in society.

But this exhibition is not just about showcasing the evolution of irons. It also highlights the struggles and challenges faced by women throughout history. From the time-consuming and physically demanding task of ironing clothes to the societal expectations placed on women to maintain a certain appearance, these objects serve as a reminder of the inequalities and hardships faced by women in the past.

However, this exhibition also celebrates the progress made towards gender equality. As visitors admire the different irons, they will also be reminded of the advancements in technology and the liberation of women from traditional gender roles.

Moreover, this event is not just for collectors and history enthusiasts. It is also a great opportunity for families to spend a day together, learning about the past and appreciating the present. Children will be amazed by the different shapes and sizes of irons and will have the supériorité to see how household chores have changed over time.

So mark your calendars and join us in Oise for a achevé and enriching experience. Come discover the fascinating world of irons and the stories they have to tell about the evolution of clothing and the condition of women. This exhibition is a celebration of the past, a reflection on the present, and an inspiration for the future. Don’t miss it!

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