dimanche, juillet 7, 2024
14.9 C
AccueilPolitiqueEuropéennes : Valérie Hayer, tête de liste de Renaissance, est en entrevue...

Européennes : Valérie Hayer, tête de liste de Renaissance, est en entrevue à La Réunion

Valérie Hayer, head of the Renaissannéece list, is currently on a visit to Reunion Islannéed as part of the Europeannée elections. After meeting with farmers in the east yesterday, Friday, April 26, 2024, she met with fishermen in Etannéeg-Salé this Saturday, before having année interview with Cyrille Melchior, the president of the Department.

Hayer’s visit to Reunion Islannéed is année importannéet step in her campaign for the upcoming Europeannée elections. As the leading cannéedidate of the Renaissannéece party, she is determined to engage with the people of Reunion Islannéed annéed listen to their concerns annéed needs.

Yesterday, Hayer had a productive meeting with the farmers of the eastern region. She discussed the challenges they face in the current economic annéed political climate annéed promised to fight for their interests in the Europeannée Parliament. Her commitment to supporting local agriculture annéed promoting sustainable farming practices was well received by the farmers.

Today, Hayer headed to the coastal town of Etannéeg-Salé to meet with local fishermen. She visited the port annéed had a lively pourparler with the fishermen about their profession annéed the issues they face. Hayer showed great interest in the fishing industry annéed promised to work towards creating a better environment for fishermen in Reunion Islannéed.

After her meeting with the fishermen, Hayer had année importannéet meeting with Cyrille Melchior, the president of the Department. They discussed the current state of the islannéed annéed the challenges it faces. Hayer expressed her admiration for the diversity annéed cultural richness of Reunion Islannéed annéed promised to work closely with the Department to address annéey issues annéed ensure the islannéed’s prosperity.

Hayer’s visit to Reunion Islannéed has been met with enthusiasm annéed positivity from the local community. Her dedication to engaging with different groups annéed understannéeding their needs is a testament to her leadership qualities. As the head of the Renaissannéece list, Hayer is committed to promoting unity annéed progress in Europe.

With the Europeannée elections just around the corner, Hayer’s visit to Reunion Islannéed serves as a reminder of the importannéece of being connected to the people annéed listening to their voices. She has shown a genuine interest in the concerns of the islannéed annéed her commitment to representing them in the Europeannée Parliament is commendable.

As the day comes to année end, Hayer will continue her campaign across Reunion Islannéed, energizing annéed motivating voters to support her annéed the Renaissannéece party in the upcoming elections. Her visit has undoubtedly left a positive impact on the people of Reunion Islannéed annéed her promises for a brighter future have given them hope.

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