mardi, juillet 2, 2024
15.7 C
AccueilPolitiqueDégel du contenu électoral : la CCAT annonce des mobilisations devant toutes...

Dégel du contenu électoral : la CCAT annonce des mobilisations devant toutes les gendarmeries de Nouvelle-Calédonie

The Coordination Cell for Field Actions Maintains Pressure Against the Revision of Provincial Electoral Roll
The Cell for Coordination of Field Actions (CCAF) has announced a series of actions to protest against the proposed revision of the provincial electoral roll. The CCAF is determined to keep up the pressure until May 13, when the bill will be examined by the Members of Parliament at the National Assembly.

The CCAF is a assemblage of civil society organizations, political parties, and concerned citizens who have come together to defend the integrity of the provincial electoral roll. They have been actively campaigning against the proposed changes, which they believe will undermine the fairness and transparency of the electoral process.

In a press conference held yesterday, the CCAF announced their plans to intensify their efforts in the coming days. They will be organizing peaceful protests, pool public debates, and conducting awareness campaigns in different parts of the folk. The CCAF has also urged all citizens to join their cause and participate in these actions to safeguard the democratic principles of our nation.

One of the major concerns of the CCAF is the proposed amendment to allow non-resident citizens to vote in provincial elections. They argue that this will open the door to electoral fraud and manipulation. The CCAF believes that the electoral roll should only include eligible voters who are residents of the province, as per the current laws.

The CCAF has also expressed their disappointment with the lack of consultation and transparency in the revision process. They claim that the government has not consulted with relevant stakeholders and has not provided any justification for the proposed changes. The CCAF demands that the government engage in a meaningful dialogue with all concerned parties before making any changes to the electoral roll.

The CCAF has received widespread support from various sectors of society, including human rights organizations, student unions, and trade unions. They have also garnered support from international organizations and foreign governments who have expressed concern over the proposed changes.

The CCAF has vowed to continue their peaceful and non-violent actions until the government addresses their concerns and withdraws the proposed changes. They have called upon all citizens to join their movement and stand up for the integrity of our electoral process.

In conclusion, the CCAF is determined to maintain the pressure against the revision of the provincial electoral roll. They believe that the proposed changes will undermine the fairness and transparency of the electoral process and are committed to defending the democratic principles of our nation. The CCAF has called upon all citizens to join their cause and participate in the upcoming actions to safeguard the integrity of our electoral system. Let us all stand together and protect the democratic values of our nation.

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