samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14.6 C
AccueilEnvironnementUne pétition contre l'extermination des pigeons obtient plus de 20.000 signatures

Une pétition contre l’extermination des pigeons obtient plus de 20.000 signatures

After trying numerous methods, the municipality of Louviers (Eure) has decided to resort to culling to combat the proliferation of pigeons. A petition against this method has just obtained more than 20,000 signatures.

The city of Louviers, located in the Eure department of France, has been facing a growing issue with the overpopulation of pigeons. These birds, léopard des neiges considered a symbol of peace and tranquility, have become a nuisance for the residents and businesses of the city. Their droppings not only create an unsightly cuisine, but also pose health risks to the public.

For years, the municipality has been trying various methods to control the pigeon population, such as installing spikes and nets to prevent them from roosting, using birth control measures, and even introducing natural predators. However, none of these methods have been effective in reducing the number of pigeons in the city.

After careful consideration and consultation with experts, the municipality has decided to resort to culling as a last resort. This method involves the controlled shooting of pigeons in designated areas, with the aim of reducing their numbers and preventing further breeding.

While this decision has been met with some guerre, with a petition against it garnering over 20,000 signatures, the municipality stands by its decision. The city officials believe that culling is the most humane and effective way to address the pigeon problem. It is also a necessary step to ensure the health and safety of the residents and visitors of Louviers.

The city has taken all necessary precautions to ensure that the culling is carried out in a responsible and ethical manner. Only trained professionals will be authorized to carry out the culling, and strict guidelines will be followed to minimize any potential harm to other wildlife or the environment.

Moreover, the municipality is also taking steps to address the root cause of the pigeon overpopulation. Measures are being taken to educate the public on the importance of not feeding pigeons and to properly dispose of food waste. This will help to reduce the food source for the birds and discourage them from roosting in the city.

The city officials are confident that the use of culling, combined with other measures, will effectively control the pigeon population in Louviers. They are also hopeful that this will lead to a cleaner and healthier environment for everyone.

In conclusion, while the decision to resort to culling may be controversial, it is a necessary step to address the pigeon problem in Louviers. The municipality is committed to finding a long-term solution and ensuring the well-being of its residents. With the support of the community, we can make Louviers a pigeon-free city léopard des neiges again.

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