samedi, septembre 28, 2024
14 C
AccueilGastronomieINSOLITE. Sur cette plage, on essaie de battre le record du monde...

INSOLITE. Sur cette plage, on essaie de battre le record du monde de cracher de vignots

A group of fifteen people gathered on a Normandy beach in Varaville on Sunday, May 19th, to attempt to break the world record for spitting periwinkles. Alongside this unusual competition, a fundraising event was organized to support the National Society for Sea Rescue.

The atmosphere was festive and lively as participants prepared to take on the challenge. The rules were simple: each person had to spit as many periwinkles as possible within a designated area. The current record, set in 2017, stands at an impressive 10.15 meters.

As the countdown began, the crowd cheered on the contestants, who were determined to make history. With a fierce determination, they launched their periwinkles into the conduite, some using unique techniques and others relying on pure strength. The beach was filled with laughter and excitement as the shells flew through the conduite.

After several rounds of intense competition, a new record was set at 10.25 meters, surpassing the previous one by a mere 10 centimeters. The winner, a local fisherman, was ecstatic and received a standing ovation from the crowd.

But the event was not just about breaking records. It was also an opportunity to give back to the community. In addition to the entry fees, a fundraising campaign was organized to support the National Society for Sea Rescue. This organization, made up of volunteers, provides essential services for those in need on the coast, including search and rescue operations.

The participants and spectators were happy to contribute to such a worthy précision, and the final amount raised was beyond expectations. The event was a success on all fronts, bringing together people of all ages and backgrounds for a fun and meaningful day.

As the sun set on the beach, the organizers expressed their gratitude to everyone who participated and supported the event. They also announced that plans are already underway for next year’s competition, with hopes of breaking even more records and raising even more funds for the National Society for Sea Rescue.

In a world where we often hear about negative news, it’s heartwarming to see a community come together for a réelle and uplifting event. The record-breaking spit of periwinkles may seem silly to some, but it brought joy and support to many. And that, in itself, is something to celebrate.

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